EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Kelly McDaniel
  • Male
  • Calgary, Alberta
  • Canada
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Kelly McDaniel's Discussions

Allwave 15 Serial #L-448

Started this discussion. Last reply by David C. Poland yesterday. 8 Replies

Brought my father's Scott radio from US to Canada hope of getting it working again after many years of it sitting on a shelf. I may be Allwave 15 but I'm sure someone can confirm or correct this.…Continue


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David C. Poland replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"Alex - the 7 photo group was a separate item not on  this thread. Kelly - the restoration approach is to assure the basic items are ok: Power transformer (which is really rugged), output transformer (inside the speaker pedestal), voltage…"
Alex R. Whitaker replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"I don't see any pictures with this post.  I guess I'm missing something.  "
Kelly McDaniel replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"Thanks for your respective replies and advice so far. It is good to know that there was likely no cabinet with this unit as I remember it being inside of an old television console as a child along with a black and white TV, and a  record…"
Brad Winder replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"Welcome! The speaker will definitely need to be re-coned to sound it's best. It may be possible to patch up the cone using coffee filters, but the damage looks pretty severe. I am three hours north of Calgary, near Edmonton if I can be of help."
George liked Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
Kent King replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"Dave has already provided quite a bit of info...I will jump in here and tell you I can provide any chassis parts (like the tuning assembly) to help with the restoration. The chrome looks to be decent, and with a bit of work, the set can certainly be…"
David C. Poland replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"If the receiver has an additional 2 red antenna posts on the rear, it is earlier production using a Wunderlich tube 2nd detector. 3rd tube back on the left side of the receiver. Some were modified to use a 55 tube, like later production used."
David C. Poland replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"I looked at your photos after my post. Yes - is a model 15, with severely modified dial. but there are enough parts sets around, should be able to get the proper dial assembly. Don't power this radio up before it is serviced. Your correct…"
David C. Poland commented on Kelly McDaniel's photo


"that #3579 speaker is the correct for a model 15 Scott"
David C. Poland commented on Kelly McDaniel's photo


"this speaker has 2 field coils. Both need to be good as they are part of the circuitry. The output transformer is located inside the pedestal. My point is that you cannot hook up any old modern speaker without dealing with a lot of issues. Suggest…"
David C. Poland commented on Kelly McDaniel's photo


"you can source the proper dial assembly from a part set. Someone her may help supply one."
David C. Poland commented on Kelly McDaniel's photo


"looks like the correct amp. Tube socket have tube numbers embossed - two 2A3 and one 5Z3. You may be able to repair that torn cone with carefull application of thinned Elmers white glue and pieces of coffee filters, "
David C. Poland commented on Kelly McDaniel's photo


"not the original dial, nor was a magic eye tube original. Looks to be a model 15 receiver. one wonders what else was modified."
David C. Poland replied to Kelly McDaniel's discussion Allwave 15 Serial #L-448
"Welcome to this website. Post all your questions and comments under this same thread, using the comment box. You can use the paperclip icon just above to attach photos. Post a front view photo of the receiver for model confirmation.  If a model…"
Kelly McDaniel posted a discussion

Allwave 15 Serial #L-448

Brought my father's Scott radio from US to Canada hope of getting it working again after many years of it sitting on a shelf. I may be Allwave 15 but I'm sure someone can confirm or correct this. Serial #L-448. If there is someone in Alberta that can test/troubleshoot the operational side I would like to pursue this first. The unit has no case but I should be able to fashion a period cabinet here, it may have been a Tasman style cabinet intended for the components? I travel to and from…See More
Kelly McDaniel posted a status
"Allwave 15 Serial#L-448? Anyone in Alberta to test/advise? Want to restore to working order & return to my mother in Colorado."

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