EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Russ Webb
  • Male
  • Eagle Point, OR
  • United States
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  • Y2K Bruce

Russ Webb's Discussions

Original caps for Phantom Deluxe

Started this discussion. Last reply by David C. Poland Nov 5, 2024. 43 Replies

Anybody have a picture of an original Phantom Deluxe (no FM) showing the underside of the power amp? Need spec/ part no. o the .05 caps to find original replacements to rebuild. Also spec,…Continue

McMurdo Silver - Universal V and VI PS/Audio and PM Speaker Output

Started Jun 14, 2018 0 Replies

What to do with all of those lonely receiver chassis after the amp and speakers get sold off - - -

McMurdo Silver Power Supply/Amp, Unidentified

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russ Webb Mar 22, 2018. 9 Replies

I have a version of the MPV - MPVI power supply that has 5 tube sockets on it rather than the 6 normally seen on the MPV or the 4 used on the MPVI. Has anyone seen one of these? I have not identified…Continue


Russ Webb's Page

Latest Activity

Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"P.S. I checked the filament. It is the 2.5V version. I think it would work in the 6-pin "A" version application, not using the "grid" cap. But, other than testing, that would probably be less desirable than displaying the tube…"
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Neither. It is the "B" version - 6 pins with grid cap for AVC diode."
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Norman, Do you have any idea of what a Wunderlich B tube, in good shape, is worth? Looking for a value so that I can consider trades for tubes I can actually use, No sales on the internet, that I can find. It is the 2.5V version. Probably going to…"
Russ Webb commented on Kent King's blog post Scott Export Set and "amp"
"I think that I may have just found a purpose for my 510 amp. If I added a octal style plug to the SLR-H I could do away with the little accessory trans (pic upper left). That way I can still use it as a test fixture, it's current job. And …"
Jan 19
Russ Webb replied to jonathan dollimore's discussion Philharmonic tone control.
"On the Phantom I just finished, the scratch suppressor on/off is at the high sensitivity end of the sensitivity control - which isn't good. If you turn on the scratch suppressor while on a shortwave station you can hear the receive level come…"
Nov 16, 2024
David C. Poland replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
"Nice interesting story! That a 5 year old radio is described as old and worn out is striking, as we are used to electronics lasting years longer (except for refrigerators :>) ). FYI, as usual, the cabinet would have been delivered with the front…"
Nov 5, 2024
Kent King replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
"Russ - Great story! I have saved copies of the letters, I have hundreds of pieces of correspondence, and things like these are gems. For those who'd like to meet him, this is Henry (Hank) Kerl, circa 1944. I'll have to see what I can find…"
Nov 5, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
Nov 4, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
"The drawer with it's bird's eye front is still there. Somebody reduced it's depth to about 5 in. This wasn't necessary and I intend to restore it to near it's original depth in the future."
Nov 4, 2024
David C. Poland replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
"the 15 inch speaker was available for the 20 tube Phantom in 1940, so maybe your 15 inch speaker was original to the cabinet. And the cabinet may have been still available, contemporary to the Phantom Deluxe for awhile. Looks like your cabinet once…"
Nov 3, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
"The Scott has been moved over to the house. Sue played the Bing Crosby Christmas album last night. Her mother used to listen to that collection at Christmas. ( Eight songs on 4 records at 78RPM ) It is working very well. I had to use the tractor to…"
Nov 3, 2024
Russ Webb commented on Kent King's blog post AWA Shares on E. H. Scott Centennial
"Very nice presentation."
Oct 27, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Don Jackson's discussion Scott Philharmonic Pointer Dial Front Panel
"I had considered that as the most likely answer. But, the large chassis is still behind the escutcheon/cabinet front. There would have had to be a cabinet with extra big decorative work for that to apply. Is there one like that? (other than the…"
Oct 8, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Don Jackson's discussion Scott Philharmonic Pointer Dial Front Panel
"Has anybody ever asked - or answered the question: Why did they put the controls so close together? They had space to separate them."
Oct 7, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Kent King's discussion Scott serial numbers
"The cabinet doesn't look too bad. How hard would it be to put an AW23  back in there? - - - or an 810. I really don't like 810B cabinets. I know, I have one berried under something. But the radio is all restored."
Oct 6, 2024
Russ Webb replied to Russ Webb's discussion Original caps for Phantom Deluxe
"I'll bet that is about the most densely packed Scott cabinet, but I did find room for a Fisher pre-amp for mag cartridges. Who ever did the layout was either very good , had done it before or both. I don't think that there were any…"
Oct 3, 2024

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At 1:19pm on May 7, 2017, Russ Webb said…

Projects now are a Zenith 1000Z Strat and a Mcmurdo Silver Masterpiece V in a Oxford cabinet.

At 10:24am on March 10, 2017, Russ Webb said…

Thanks Joe,

At the moment I don't have a project so I am doing maintenance.

I only have 2 Scotts, both are working along with several hundred other radios on display at my shop.

At 10:06am on March 10, 2017, Joseph W Strickland said…


Welcome to the group! We are all ready to help others along the way. Let us know about your project receiver and what issues you may need help with.



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