EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

First of all Greeting from one of the volinteers working at a Radio Room for the USS Indianapolis CA-35. We have a working Radio Room in the Indiana War Memorial. All period equipment of up to 1945. Tubes and proud to say it does work. Our RBO is a little sluggest  changing bands but it is about as good as we can make it.My being here is we are in need of a RCK radio to compliment our TDQ transmitter.

I see of different people asking about just obtained radios but to date I have not seen or heard of any around.Our biggest problem is all of the equipment has been donated and any repair or rebuilding has been done by our group.  We have a call sign  WW2IND and man the radio room Wednesday through Sunday weather permitting.  If any one has ore knows of a receiver available, please contact me.    Our website for all to see is   Thanks a lot and I will be looking around you website for any info.  Robert Tevault  foirmer USS Wasp CVS-18 EM2  57/61

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Robert, will the one I have work out for you all?

Doug Christensen


Doug Christensen said:

Robert, will the one I have work out for you all?

Doug Christensen


It sounds like a good prospect. can you send me more details on location or how we could receive it?

The RCK is located in College Station, Texas. I will have to consider exactly how to prepare the RCK for transport.

It's in good shape. There is an attached vintage power supply mounted to the rear panel, with audio XMF included. There are NO crystals found with the receiver. When opened it was as perfectly clean inside.

I will donate the radio, however because of the cost & the time involved it may take me a week or so to get over to FedEx (who has the best rate & on time delivery for me) or perhaps you have a preferred shipper?

My Address is:

Doug Christensen / KG5KSG

1503 Bluefield Ct

College Station, TX 77845

As an Air Force Vet, it would be a paramount opportunity to help out my fellow brothers in the NAVY.



I picked up my RCK at NEARfest Deerfield NH this past fall for 25 bucks I was going to restore it for the USS Massachusetts BB59 but when I found out what it really is now it is going to go to the NAS South Weymouth Shea museum and they are going to restore it. She is in okay condition on the out side and really nice inside the receiver is complete so they should be getting her on the air in the next year through 2017.

I work MSOTA every year and the Indy is one of the ones I always get I work the USS Wisconsin in the December Pearl Harbor remembrance I travel to the ship and operate from the 03 level. I have put the USS Massachusetts on the air last spring and I am hoping to do so this year again.

I hope you find a receiver for your museum I love the old boat anchors my home station is Collins 1949 75A1 receiver and a 32V2 transmitter. I will keep my eye open if I spot any USN receivers from the 40s I will let you know I currently have four.


Doug we would love to have this as a donation. could you please send a photo of the front and back?  I see the weight is 115 lb but don't know the total weight.Don't rush. The New Years is close at hand and because you are donating this to us we might be able to help you on the shipping. When ready to ship I would be shipped to the following                               Indiana War Memorial  431 North Meridian Street Indianapolis Indiana 46204  Att: CA-35 Radio Exhibit.

My e-mail address is if you wish to use it   .From all the volinteers and workers here in Indianapolis Nay I say a Happy New Year and a better 2016   See you in 2016  Robert Tevault KC9TRV

Doug Christensen said:

The RCK is located in College Station, Texas. I will have to consider exactly how to prepare the RCK for transport.

It's in good shape. There is an attached vintage power supply mounted to the rear panel, with audio XMF included. There are NO crystals found with the receiver. When opened it was as perfectly clean inside.

I will donate the radio, however because of the cost & the time involved it may take me a week or so to get over to FedEx (who has the best rate & on time delivery for me) or perhaps you have a preferred shipper?

My Address is:

Doug Christensen / KG5KSG

1503 Bluefield Ct

College Station, TX 77845

As an Air Force Vet, it would be a paramount opportunity to help out my fellow brothers in the NAVY.



From A&M University, a couple of Army Vets & a good neighbor held a crating party and constructed a proper crate for transport of the RCK to the USS Indianapolis Memorial. If there ends up that any "Go Army-Beat Navy" propaganda written on the lid, well at least it's whats inside that counts! Enjoy a couple of pics.

-Doug Christensen

and the drywall screws singing their song...

Looks good Doug. I know it will have a good home and with a little luck we will get it receiving and the matching transmitter working . Go Army. Shame on you. Doug, has Chuck contacted you about the shipping?  Robert

Nothing yet, but I'll keep the squelch off. -Doug

Doug Congrats. The radio mad it in good shape. I see it has four crystals of witch one will work in the 2 meter Ham band. We have the Navy style antenna plug and are in the process of looking for the AC plug and the ext. speaker plug. May have to work around that. Again many thanks for you and the crew who packed the RCK.   Go army beat Navy. Really.

I also want to thank everyone here at the E H Scott site. I think we may have a saved another WW2 radio.

PS:  More to come. 

73's Robert Tevault  WW2IND  USS Indianapolis Radio Room.    

A BIG Thank You sent your way is the order of the day, for the dedicated time & work you all put in on a daily basis. And yes, it would not of happened if not for this site & the ones that support it.

I wish I could help regarding those plugs. Speaking of being impatient, the sooner, the better when I visit.

Go Army, beat navy? Oh yes, I guess you've heard about our local football team  hihi. Yes, I had help crating the RCK with some help from the A&M Veteran's outreach office. They were honored to sign their names on the top lid.

Well god Bless you all up there, can't tell you how much warmth you've brought to our hearts knowing that the RCK radio ended up where it should have been all along. Funny how this all worked out.

Doug Christensen


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