The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
I found this 14 tube Masterpiece not far from home last fall, it was a bit sad looking but it cleaned up much better than I expected. After recapping it and lots of polishing it works great and is a nice addition to my collection. It was all there, except the dial pointer was missing so made do with a generic replacement. Knowing that not that many of these were made, I doubt if I will ever find an original dial pointer but thought I would ask anyways, there may be the remains of one of…
ContinueAdded by Don Jackson on March 15, 2025 at 8:17pm — 15 Comments
Can someone verify the correct orientation of the selectivity trimmers in an early pointer dial Philharmonic? In my set the trimmer closest to the front of the set is meshed when the selectivity / fidelity control is fully counter clockwise. In this position, from front to back the trimmers are meshed, unmeshed, meshed and unmeshed. Is this correct?
The volume control has been replaced and I wounder if someone removed the fidelity control during the process and messed things up. The…
ContinueAdded by Don Jackson on February 22, 2025 at 7:00pm — 26 Comments
Although it was built after the war, the Export set is a relatively scarce set. At the end of WW2, Scott was "stuck" with a large number of partially completed SLRM sets. They put a better face on them and the Export was born. They removed the BFO, but otherwise, the Export is an SLRM. The SLRM is an AC/DC (transformerless) set with AM and SW coverage. I have only ever seen 4 or 5 of these sets, however, there is an odd little thing going on. In the pics here, I provided the front and top…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on January 18, 2025 at 8:30am — 8 Comments
I purchased a VHS tape years ago that showed the assembly of an AW-15 filmed in the Scott factory. Nice shots inside the factory. if this isn't already available on the website i can try to get it digitized and share it
Added by Tony Ellis on December 1, 2024 at 2:52pm — 1 Comment
Hey all...I have two Philharmonic sets taking up space and I won't be finding time to do anything with I am putting them out here. The first is a red band deluxe (1939). This set has caps replaced and does play but needs additional work. The second is a 1937 pointer dial set with the "Chicago" dial. This set is unrestored but complete. Both sets include a tuner, amp and a 15 in speaker.…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on November 29, 2024 at 8:24pm — 4 Comments
I'm working on a 1939 Beam of Light Philharmonic Deluxe and noticed a wiring error (ok, maybe) looking at the schematics available, it gets worse. Refer to the 3 images attached as needed. Here we go:
In the 1937 schematic, and in most sets I've worked on, pin 8 (cathode) and pin 5 (grid #3, usually tied to the cathode) go directly to ground. Pin 5 (at ground) is used as a tie point for the "pass through" caps in the IF cans. In the 1939 schematic, it looks like Scott added a…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on November 11, 2024 at 10:50am — 7 Comments
Next Wed evening (10/16), I will be presenting on E. H. Scott and his radios on the AWA Shares monthly Zoom meeting:
You do not have to be a member of AWA to attend, but you do need to register prior to the talk. I hope some of you are able to join me - I've got some neat pictures and info to share.
Added by Kent King on October 11, 2024 at 5:16pm — 4 Comments
This is the beginning of a running blog on updates to the files saved in the Info Archive. This morning, I updated the file "Milsets.pdf" in the WWII Sets folder. Fellow member Angelo found some new US Govt documentation on the WWII sets and I have updated the file with a few new bits of info. More to come soon.
Added by Kent King on October 8, 2024 at 10:14am — No Comments
I met a fellow at Kutztown who has this set. He says he has the PS and speaker as well. It is in NJ, email me ( for more info. There is an expander with it...…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on September 22, 2024 at 7:55am — No Comments
Does anyone know where to find replacement grill cloth with this pattern? IMG_4132.jpg
Added by Ben Erickson on September 20, 2024 at 3:37pm — No Comments
A collector has reached out to me seeking parts for an RC6 phono - if anyone has one that is good for parts, please drop me a note. Thanks!!
Added by Kent King on August 29, 2024 at 4:36pm — No Comments
Tubes all light and warm. Nothing on AM or 3.7 carrier, 7.25 carrier and 18.26 carrier broadcast from nearby antenna. Zilch. General advice is to replace all tubes or one at a time. What do you say, group. Hum low to moderate so speakers and audio working.
Robert Sands K7VO
Added by Robert Sands on August 12, 2024 at 5:45pm — 2 Comments
I have a pretty decent pointer dial Philharmonic, with the midwest station dial (new replacement, original was cracked). The set is complete and chrome is very decent, this set will turn out great with a good cleaning and restoration. Includes a full set of tubes (the smaller 6L6 tubes are GA, not G, couldn't find 4 matching ones). Amp has some rust but is also cleanable. And we have a good 15 in pedestal speaker with it.
I will not ship this, but will meet you or deliver…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on July 4, 2024 at 4:45pm — 2 Comments
I've been working on several Philly sets and I am really just appreciating all the differences in the various sets. So the earliest ones had a series of 5 capacitors which are switched across the plates of the P-P expander tubes. This feature was changed to a treble control and also removed if you had a remote control chassis. I need to know what the rotating switch looked like for the assembly shown here:…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on July 3, 2024 at 5:57pm — No Comments
I found this reference in a 1928 sales booklet. I would like to find the piece described. Next best - a good scan of one if you have it:
Added by Kent King on July 3, 2023 at 8:27pm — No Comments
Scott Radio Friends,
I need some help. I am finishing a restoration of a Scott Warrington cabinet. Everything is place except one thing.
I need a working on/off ac toggle switch.
Here's the catch. While the exit bore hole is .5 inches in width... the depth is also just over .5 inches wide. It is .75" thick wood...
The larger initial hole is 1.5 inches and @.2 deep. This means I need switch with a stem around .75 inches to make sure the toggle clears through the hole…
ContinueAdded by Scott Dickson on July 2, 2023 at 7:14pm — 9 Comments
The title says it all...does anyone recognize this as a McMurdo Silver cabinet? I'm guessing it is not, obviously the mounting is all wrong. Opinions?…
Added by Kent King on June 27, 2023 at 7:00am — 3 Comments
To members: I came across this February 1935 issue of Broadcast News online. It has a fascinating discussion on High Fidelity broadcasting, which was in its infancy, and the challenges at hand. The story has a relevance to E.H. Scott Radio Laboratories because Murray Clay came from RCA as and electrical engineer in their radio licensing division just before this article was written. As many of you know Clay was instrumental in helping Scott develop their High Fidelity receivers based on…
ContinueAdded by David Wilson on May 31, 2023 at 10:24am — 1 Comment
OK folks...question: Here is the schematic of the outboard volume expander for an AW23. I was working on one earlier today and noticed a mod that I had not seen before. If this mod isn't factory, it was done a <long> time ago - near its original production. The mod is simple - a 20ufd/25VDC cap is wired from the 6A7 cathodes to ground (+ side on the cathode). It is soldered right on the wiper of the balance potentiometer. Any thoughts on what this might do? Should I remove it/leave it…
ContinueAdded by Kent King on March 4, 2023 at 9:16pm — 3 Comments
The pot metal cast parts that support tuning capacitors are cracked in my unit. I wonder what can be done to fix it. Has anyone tried 3-D printing or is there another way? Thanks, Jiri
Added by Jiri Placek on February 8, 2023 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments
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