EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

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Don Jackson's Discussions

My First Scott: An Allwave 23

Started this discussion. Last reply by Thomas Day Apr 8, 2024. 1 Reply

I found this Allwave 23 at a local auction, it seemed to be mostly there so I bid on it. It was missing the knobs, someone told me to contact Kent King for a reproduction bandswitch knob. Kent was…Continue

Allwave Superheterodyne Power Supply?

Started this discussion. Last reply by David C. Poland Apr 18, 2024. 1 Reply

Can anyone help me identify this unit? After searching the archive, it appears to be a model 145 power pack for a 2 dial Allwave 12. If this is correct, please let me know. Would this have been used…Continue

Scott Philharmonic Pointer Dial Front Panel

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russ Webb Oct 8, 2024. 14 Replies

Hi, I am a new member here and recently had the good fortune to acquire a 5 knob Allwave 23 with a Tasman cabinet and a Pointer Dial Philharmonic chassis, amplifier and speaker. The Allwave 23…Continue


Don Jackson's Page

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Kent King commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Glad to hear it is working well now. I'm not surprised that the major components were OK, I sell a lot of parts off  chassis, but seldom anything other than controls off the Philharmonic sets. Only notable exception was an antenna coil to…"
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Quick update, Norman was correct in suggesting that someone had aligned the set with the selectivity / fidelity control in the full clockwise position rather than the maximum selectivity position at full counter clockwise. I aligned the set using…"
Mar 6
Scott Seickel commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Thank you Don. "
Feb 28
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Here is a copy of the 500K pots offered by IRC and a taper chart from the catalog. It appears they did offer some with 25 k and 50 K taps. Any of the tapped audio pots I recall seeing had taps at 100k or more, as you noted. I have a couple of newer…"
Feb 27
Scott Seickel commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Thanks Don.  Looks like it is easier to do with one of these pots that were designed to accept taps.  I couldn't find a catalog online. "
Feb 27
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Scott The potentiometer is an IRC 13-133. It is listed in an IRC catalog which is available online if you don't have one. In the catalog is is noted as a "left handed logarithmic taper for audio circuit control" with a 3 (C) taper. It…"
Feb 26
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Scott Thanks for clarifying the fidelity caps. I made a copy of the early schematic from the archives and made an enlarged copy and have made note of the values of the resistors and capacitors. There are some fuzzy symbols next to the caps on the…"
Feb 26
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"David Yes, good catch on the capacitors. One could easily assume they are mica capacitors. I checked the C divider and it is fine, but noticed another capacitor that appears to be the same species close to it. I am going to remove the diode…"
Feb 26
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Mike Nice boxes! Both of mine are gone, the one for the electrolytics was replaced with an FP capacitor. I made a copy of the dimension and might try making some myself. As for the bass tone assembly, I will probably replace the caps and hope for…"
Feb 26
mike hadley commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Refering to your bass tone assembly I reworked mine to suit the 50hz mains supply over here in the UK, there is a mention here you can do…"
Feb 26
David C. Poland commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"good that you addressed the step tap caps because they are in a high voltage situation off a tube plate circuit. And do pay attention that the -C voltage divider is ok. Replacing the caps inside the 3 diode assemblies is a pain, but do it and check…"
Feb 26
Scott Seickel commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
""I am going to remove the bass tones assembly and see if the caps have been replaced. I have read other posts here that stress the importance of having pairs of caps as close to .02 and .025 as possible." I went thru this 10 years…"
Feb 26
Scott Seickel commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
""I attached a photo of the fidelity control, apparently all 5 caps are .01 but 3 of them are mica. From what I have seen most people change them all. I am wondering why the 2 larger caps were used instead of mica. I believe these are paper,…"
Feb 26
mike hadley commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"If you want to make your own cap boxes I made these a while back, Mike"
Feb 26
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"Your suspicions are correct, those caps are awful. They failed the leakage test on my Heathkit IT-28 at 10 volts! As for the volume control, there is another post here with a Youtube video showing how to add a tap using conductive silver epoxy. I…"
Feb 26

Don Jackson's Blog

Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers

Posted on February 22, 2025 at 7:00pm 26 Comments

Can someone verify the correct orientation of the selectivity trimmers in an early pointer dial Philharmonic? In my set the trimmer closest to the front of the set is meshed when the selectivity / fidelity control is fully counter clockwise. In this position, from front to back the trimmers are meshed, unmeshed, meshed and unmeshed. Is this correct?

The volume control has been replaced and I wounder if someone removed the fidelity control during the process and messed things up. The…


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