EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Norman S Braithwaite's Friends

  • Alex R. Whitaker
  • Ronald Babb
  • Matt Endicott
  • Jon Ketron
  • mike hadley
  • Robert Steigerwald
  • Joseph W Strickland
  • Dan Morales
  • Marc Arnel
  • Bill De Rycke
  • Tom Jardine
  • Phil Bartells
  • Keith Schubert
  • Mark D McClure
  • Ken Carr

Norman S Braithwaite's Discussions

Toggle switches for Scott consoles

Started this discussion. Last reply by Brad Winder Jan 8, 2021. 9 Replies

Deep throat toggle switches for Scott and McMurdo Silver consoles available here...…Continue

Scott 800B for sale

Started this discussion. Last reply by john stafford Jun 19, 2015. 1 Reply

I have been contacted by Marcus  McCoshum of Santa Rosa and he wants to sell a much better than average condition Scott 800B receiver in the Chippendale console and with the original Thorens CD-40…Continue

Philharmonic Record Scratch Suppressor Circuit

Started this discussion. Last reply by Scott Seickel Mar 29, 2015. 2 Replies

In the process of restoring the Warsaw custom Philharmonic I learned that the record scratch suppressor circuit was not working.  With the help of Bill Liers I was able to fix the circuit but the…Continue

Philharmonic UHF band circuit variations

Started this discussion. Last reply by David C. Poland Jan 12, 2015. 12 Replies

While in the process of restoring a remote Philharmonic tuner chassis and comparing to a parts remote tuner chassis, I have discovered a major circuit change in the UHF RF circuits.  Unlike as shown…Continue


Norman S Braithwaite's Page

Latest Activity

Norman S Braithwaite commented on Carlos Insa's photo

scott 800b ad 1.webp

"Third party cabinet for a Scott Metropolitan 16."
Mar 14
Norman S Braithwaite replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Two ended auctions of Wunderlich tubes with grid caps.  One unsold auction was of a six pin Wunderlich tube with top cap but the top cap was missing. Norman"
Mar 5
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
""Two ended grid cap", I'm not sure of what you are referring to."
Mar 4
Kent King replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Two ended grid cap Arcturus tubes on ebay, on at 12.50 and another at 28.50. Kent"
Mar 4
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Copy all of that, but the real question was, have you ever seen one ("B") sold or traded(?)."
Mar 4
Norman S Braithwaite replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"There were several car radios that used the Wunderlich A tube.  Lincoln used the 2.5-volt Wunderlich in several models and going from fuzzy recollection Majestic used Wunderlich detectors in a small number of models. Norman"
Mar 4
David C. Poland replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Scott used only the 6 pin 2.5 volt with no grid cap. Crosley used it in one model.  I know of no users of the 2.5 volt with grid cap version nor the 6 volt designed for auto radios."
Mar 3
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"P.S. I checked the filament. It is the 2.5V version. I think it would work in the 6-pin "A" version application, not using the "grid" cap. But, other than testing, that would probably be less desirable than displaying the tube…"
Mar 2
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Neither. It is the "B" version - 6 pins with grid cap for AVC diode."
Mar 2
David C. Poland replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"type?  5 pin with grid cap or 6 pin without the grid cap. tested?"
Mar 1
Russ Webb replied to Norman S Braithwaite's discussion Buy, Sell, Trade
"Norman, Do you have any idea of what a Wunderlich B tube, in good shape, is worth? Looking for a value so that I can consider trades for tubes I can actually use, No sales on the internet, that I can find. It is the 2.5V version. Probably going to…"
Mar 1
Norman S Braithwaite commented on Don Jackson's blog post Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers
"The symptom you are describing may be due to the IF amplifier having been aligned with the selectively-fidelity control full clockwise rather than full counterclockwise.  Before checking alignment, loosen and re tighten the set screws on the…"
Feb 24
Norman S Braithwaite commented on Kent King's blog post Scott Export Set and "amp"
"More or less.  I suspect if one ordered just the Export receiver they received the chassis and supplied their own speaker.  If they ordered the console, the amplifier and a 12-inch PM speaker were included. Norman"
Jan 24
Norman S Braithwaite commented on Kent King's blog post Scott Export Set and "amp"
"Okay, the only thing I am finding that relates to a line impedance is the label on the speaker output terminal strip.  It is marked 600-ohm speaker.  However, measuring DC resistance across the terminals yields approximately 3-ohms. …"
Jan 20
Norman S Braithwaite commented on Kent King's blog post Scott Export Set and "amp"
"Those audio transformers appear to be swapped!  The SLRM has a 500-ohm output which would match up with the 500-ohm winding of what you show as the output transformer.  I'll investigate my Export receiver with amp and original speaker…"
Jan 20
Norman S Braithwaite replied to Kent King's discussion The Centennial Begins!
"Thanks for the explanation.  I had not thought about how the noise floor would desensitize FM reception. Norman"
Jan 14

Norman S Braithwaite's Photos

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Norman S Braithwaite's Blog

Carr Fire

Posted on August 1, 2018 at 11:41am 3 Comments

As some of you know, the Carr Fire has exacted a great toll in the City of Redding and surrounding area.  My house and half of my collection was the first visited by the fire in the devastated Lake Redding Estates neighborhood with no advance notice to evacuate and no fire trucks around.  Fortunately the house and collection were spared.  Unfortunately, however, I have learned that the house and collection of an acquaintance including several pre-war Scott receivers was lost and that another…


Remote keyboard kits available

Posted on January 16, 2016 at 12:18pm 0 Comments

I am offering the remaining stock of incomplete Scott remote control keyboards being reproduced by the late Jim Schwalbe through the site accessible from the link below.

If you are interested, I recommend that you place your order through that listing according to the rules of that site. If you try to order directly from me…


Shielded Grid Wire

Posted on May 20, 2015 at 2:48pm 1 Comment

Shielded grid wire with cloth insulation is not easy to find but is an appropriate replacement for the shielded wire with rubber insulation (now failing) employed in many Scott models.  A roll of shielded grid wire with cloth insulation is currently being offered at the link below.…


Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 9:48pm on January 14, 2022, john a kim said…

HI !  Norman :   I  want  to  know  updated   David   Wolze   ph #

 to  fix   radio  ,   audio.    He  is  writer  of  VTV.

  Ph#  is not  working   in  repair man   directory   of   California  Historical

   radio  society.      john  kim

At 10:20am on January 3, 2020, Maggie Yates said…

I posted pictures

At 2:56pm on August 28, 2019, Maggie Yates said…

I posted half dozen pictures of it

At 12:21pm on August 1, 2018, David C. Poland said…

Norman, glad you personally are OK. Threats from fire are unnerving.

At 9:39am on October 6, 2016, Bill De Rycke said…

Mighty glad to become a member of this organization.  I look forward to many conversations in the near future.  Currently I'm working with Bill Bryan to find an A.W. 15 to add to my collection.  Incidentally, Norm you have been invaluable at helping me with my A.W. 23 and A.W. 12, dual dial and thank you for the invite.

At 2:10pm on February 24, 2011, Michael Francis Miller said…
Thank you so much Norman.  That's a big help.
At 10:20pm on November 14, 2010, John Millner said…
Thanks Norman. I am pleased to know that the cabinet is original to the radio. John
At 9:53pm on November 14, 2010, John Millner said…
Norman, I also meant to include a closeup of the controls area. John

At 9:51pm on November 14, 2010, John Millner said…
Thank you for the welcome Norman. Attached (hopefully) is a picture of the cabinet & speaker.


At 4:37pm on August 31, 2009, Paul Squires said…
That's how sad that screwup made me feel.

Better than some of the celebrity mugshots I have seen. Kinda rivals Gary Busey's mugshot.

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