EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Needing a Gothic Grand Philharmonic knob

I need ONE ( 1 ) of these knobs for my Gothic Grand Philharmonic ( 7 knob model).

Any ideas, thoughts, or knowledge of where I might find one?

Thank you.

Bradley Cobb

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Those knobs are generic; RCA and others used them as well. 

Thank you.
I noticed that the knobs appear on other models however, I was not sure about the shaft channel length on the knobs....they appear the same I believe.
Also, the shaft channel on my knobs are round although the actual shaft on the radio is a " D " shaft.
I should have looked closer.
Thank you very much for your reply.

Bradley Cobb

Usually, the brown plastic knobs are solid with a round shaft hole and a set screw. But the kind with a D shaped spring in the shaft hole are also ok. they are not uncommon. They turn up at radio swap meets. Mine over the years do not have a painted white dot, but have seen them.


  Thank you !......I seem to have a mish mash of round hole knobs with a set screw and also some with D shaped spring in the shaft knobs.

That clears it up. Thank you very much.

Bradley Cobb

David C. Poland said:

Usually, the brown plastic knobs are solid with a round shaft hole and a set screw. But the kind with a D shaped spring in the shaft hole are also ok. they are not uncommon. They turn up at radio swap meets. Mine over the years do not have a painted white dot, but have seen them.

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