EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Scott philharmonic fm with remote: Power supply

I joined because my question and I were referred by the Antique Radio Forum Moderator! So, here goes...

The question is:

       "Is there an expert here who can explain the differences between the power supply for a Philharmonic FM with remote, and without? As far as I can see, there is an extra plug on the side (3 instead of 2), and an extra transformer and electrolytic underneath. Does anyone have a schematic showing the differences from the non-remote power supply? An explanation why they are there? 

        "In a follow-up, I've discovered that the "third hole" is for a four prong plug connecting the power switch cable from the tuner. This was a change in the later models - presumably including those with FM. Earlier models had a separate cabinet-mounted on-off switch wired through the cable feed-in to the ps. So two holes, not three. Now, what about that transformer and electrolytic and diagram? Anyone? :P

       "Last try. Here are a couple photos to let you see what I'm talking about: One with the transformer (and remote), one without. Any thoughts?"
So, proudly I turn my confusion over to the pros from Dover! Thanks.


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By 1930s standards, one can do miracles using electronics of today.  Remote operation of a home radio was miracle enough in the 1930s.  There is no real challenge and no wow factor associated with making new electronics to operate the old remote ready receiver.  The real and impressive challenge is to demonstrate the original remote operation.  Why else would you have a collection of control heads?



   I appreciate your sentiment. But "operation" is perhaps the capstone verb to your argument. We seem to agree that a set warmed by its own power is the most satisfying to collect. That said, well chosen radio collections satisfy curiosity about a given era and its technology; allow comparison between methods and designs; permit identification of the source of trends and standards; and delight the eye, ear and touch with beauty - whether or not the sets function.

  But if "operation" is a primary goal, then practicality dictates "convenience" of operation. For huge Scott consoles, most collectors are required to display theirs in a living space. The first time that the vacuum cleaner grinds up the remote cable for their valued tuner, will be the last that they try to maintain their expensive wired remote under the carpet for "convenient" operation. It will thereafter be on display only.

   How much more would these collectors enjoy the full remote operation of their sets, using a modern, plug-in, no alterations, infrared remote control?

Tim Murphy

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