EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Robert Jackson's Blog (4)

Is this Laureate in a Oxford cabinet

Hi Gents,

Been a while since I wrote. I picked up a Scott Laureate and would ask if anyone could confirm the cabinet type for me. From pictures on the site, it most resembles the Oxford cabinet Y2K Bruce has posted. This one however has a split top, a front door and a bit more gingerbread carving. Would you consider this to also be an Oxford cabinet? My Laureate has the spot for a turntable but it appears one was never installed. It has a different speaker and includes the tweeters…


Added by Robert Jackson on January 11, 2016 at 12:38pm — 4 Comments

800B Phantom voltage

Maybe someone has run across a similar situation as I am encountering. AM reception is nonexistant except for static. FM works fine. We have discovered what appears as phantom voltage of negative 300-400 volts at the grid of 6J5 AM oscillator. It fluctuates wildly when lead is copacativly coupled with my hand and pin 5 is moved we can hear a station but need to wiggle the lead with our hand. Sounds strange I know, but looking for ideas since all surrounding resistors and micas test…


Added by Robert Jackson on June 21, 2012 at 10:02pm — 2 Comments

Photos and questions re; Scott 800-B Auction Find

Hi ,

I picked up a Scott 800-B at an auction yesterday for $20.00 (I was the only bidder). My previous two aquisitions are the 23AW in a Tasman and 23 AW in a Stafford. I furnished photos to ask if any one sees any glaring trouble spots from previous repairs. I would also like to know if the Garrard RC-90 is original. I have found reference to two other Garrard models but not the 90. Since it is a Garrard my hunch would be that it is original. There is also a University Model N-3…


Added by Robert Jackson on October 17, 2011 at 11:16pm — 4 Comments

need Allwave 23 power supply/audio amplifier

Greetings everyone.

 I recently found this EH Scott website and have joined. I have an Allwave 23 with the triple speaker and the volume range expander. It is not working and and will take a considerable effort to restore since mice thought the reciever chassis was a great home and have almost destroyed 1/3 of it with their waste.


I have also just found another Allwave 23 but it did not have the power supply/amplifier. I am new to radio restoration and Scott radios in…


Added by Robert Jackson on July 17, 2011 at 4:58pm — 3 Comments

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