EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made


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Comment by Kent King on October 18, 2022 at 10:40pm

OK, so 1797 is a standard Scott part number for that part, so it is original. It should be grounded through the mountings, you can check it with an ohmmeter. You should replace the filter caps before power up and I'd still power it with a variac and a "short lamp". Please post some pics if you can. You are right, the set probably needs little to get it playing.


Comment by Steve Ellington on October 18, 2022 at 10:36pm

I just grabbed this at a hamfest. The power supply needs some work but the receiver looks to be fine.  The interstage transformer in the power supply is missing the center tap on the secondary! Yes, the 45's grids go to each leg of the secondary but there's no ground connection. I'm not sure if the CT was internally grounded or if there was an actual wire. I suspect the latter. I think it might be the wrong transformer. The primary does have a CT that will supply B+ to the driver tubes in the RX. This xfmr is marked 1797 if that means anything.

Comment by Kent King on October 18, 2022 at 10:22pm


Do you have an AW12-2 or do you want one? There is a lot of information in the link above: click on "Scott Info Archive" and select the Set Folders and Allwave Two-dial. 


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