EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Hey all...I have two Philharmonic sets taking up space and I won't be finding time to do anything with I am putting them out here. The first is a red band deluxe (1939). This set has caps replaced and does play but needs additional work. The second is a 1937 pointer dial set with the "Chicago" dial. This set is unrestored but complete. Both sets include a tuner, amp and a 15 in speaker.

I will entertain reasonable offers on either set. - Kent

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Comment by Steven Mckelvey yesterday

Hi Kent if these are still available I would be interested in both for my personal collection.

Comment by Kent King on December 1, 2024 at 9:00am

For me - I started collecting radios while in HS in the 70s. I had a couple hundred random radios. and a fair number of Atwater Kent sets. My father found me an AW12 2-dial set at a flea market and gave it to me as a Christmas present in the early 80s...When I got it playing, it was so much better than anything else I had, I decided I wanted more Scotts. So I just kept picking them up and selling off other things to buy more Scotts. By 1990, Scott was my sole focus and has been ever since.


Comment by Tony Ellis on November 30, 2024 at 4:42pm

I think it may be of interest to the members to talk about how they got interested in Scott radios. I'm currently working on a post that i think would be interesting. There's hundreds of brands literally.. but why E.H. Scott? 

Comment by Tony Ellis on November 30, 2024 at 4:38pm

Do you have a ballpark figure for the pointer dial or possibly a package deal for both. I bought my AW-23 in a Warrington from Jim  Clark about 30 years ago. He very graciously invited my brother and i to his home and gave us a tour of his collection including his  Zenith Stratosphere!!! i don't want to insult or lowball i've been out of the game long enough not to be current on values and pricing.

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