EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

E.H.Scott radios in Clifton or Carlton cabinets?

Scott and McMurdo were often using the same cabinets from the same factory. But I never heard or saw any Scott radios in Clifton or Carlton cabinets. Were there any? I have one Scott and one Mcmurdo without cabinets - thought, may be I should reproduce / buy Clifton and Carlton, looks like those are most compact and simple...?

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Check Mr.Kenneth Lee Richmond, Jr.

Has made an sold several repro´s of the Clifton McMS cabinet,including the back reflex.



Hi Carlos,

I sent him a PM at Antic Radios Forum some days ago. It was not yet read.

And yes, I live in Moscow and ordering a replica here locally would be much cheaper. Alternative is buying an original cabinet in US, taking it apart and sending by USPS...

Becides getting the cabinets I am simply interested if Scotts were sold in Clifton or Carlton... Or such open top cabinets were invented by McMurdo?


First,you need this book:

Cover all the cabinets made by Scott,except the custom builts(these are uniques).

The only open cabinet from E.H Scott,I think are the Napier.

It is one Napier into an album in these web.

Clifton and Carlton cabinets are from McMS,and not used for E.H Scott.

Indeed, very useful book, thank you!


I have a Scott 800-B tuner, power supply and speaker - I thought it would look nice on top of the Clifton cabinet, but seems it is historically uncorrect :)


Yes,yes.This is an enormous sacrilege...

If you are discovered in this misdeed,it is possible your end as a serious radio collector...  ;-)
Check Michael Stosich,has a McMurdo V into a versioned new Napier cabinet,and not yet it has been jailed.





The risk is too big :)

Looks like I'd better find Napier for my Scott...

Do you have one?


Yes,check my album´s.

I did. Splendid radio.

Is there any chance to get exact dimentions of the cabinet?

As I said - I need two cabinets for two radios. One McMurdo MP VI and Scott 800-B.... May be I'll have to make copies, I was thinking about Clifton or Carlton cabinets, but you also suggested Napier, which also looks great) I don't think I'll be able to find empty ones...


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