EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Hi all,I just picked an 800B6.Pics are visible in the last album I made for this web.It is possible have info about in order to put in working condition?Were is possible to buy appropiate wheels for the cabinet?Thanks


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All of the bathtub capacitors used in this receiver are wax-paper and should be tested or replaced.  I can pretty much guarantee that all marked "American Condenser Company" will be very leaky.  Bathtub type capacitors marked "Gudeman" are probably serviceable but should be checked.  All resistors should be tested, especially the higher power ones.  Also cleaning the insulator and surface of the split commutator for the motor tuning will improve motor tuning.  If unhappy with the sound quality after rebuilding, consider the tone control modification.


Thanks Norman,

I am restoring the cabinet.One foot was find broken,and it is necessary repair first this.

I just added a pic of this foot,clearly has the possibility to have wheels.

In your opinion,what type of wheels are good?

Surely are not compatible with european wheels.

Also the veneer on the top are missing.¿Is this veneer the same of the sides of the cabinet?

The chassis is painted with gray paint,I do not made any attempt to clean this,but I believe this is not an agressive paint,and surely has work as a protection of the chrome.

I add info and pics of the restoration of this mamouth when possible…

I just bought also a container with 4 liters of lacquer (LACA NITRO TITAN. Acabado)


Friendly regards ;-)


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