The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
First off, a hello to all classic radio collectors. Be it Scott, McMurdo Silver, Lincoln, or other high end models, I enjoy reading about them all.
Has anyone ever done reproduction dial strips for the Allwave series of receivers? By this, I mean the Allwave two dial, Allwave deluxe, Fifteen, or 23/Imperial?
I could use a source, so please let me know.
Thomas -
Well, the answer is yes and no...Yes, there have been folks that have done them in the past, but no, I am not aware of anyone currently making them. If anyone here knows otherwise, I'd be glad to hear it!
Spoke to Brian at Radio Daze the other day about a parts order. I mentioned this to him and he confirms that they have repros for at least the AW 23. Others can be made by them from old originals If they don't presently have them.
regards, Bill
Check with Sonny Clutter... He's a good resource, maybe he can help you... he has custom work capabilities/contacts. His email is radiolaguy AT comcast DOT net
Bill and Dale:
Thanks to both of you for your suggestions.
Have finally got both an AW 12 and AW 15 dial strip sent off to Radio Daze today. They only have a strip for the AW 23 at present.
Will let you all know how this turns out.
Good morning,
Radio Daze now has available, a correct dial strip for the AW 15, DS-C050(Scott #16537). Mine arrived yesterday, the 19th of June. It was installed last night, looking good and tracks well.
Thanks to everyone for all of your suggestions.
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