EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Cabinets suitable for a two-speaker AW12 single dial

I decided to start looking for a cabinet suitable for my two-speaker AW12 single dial chassis. I already have a complete single speaker AW12 in a Tasman and when I sized up the two-speaker set up to see how much room there was, I discovered the Tasman is not deep enough to hold everything. The two-dial chassis and speaker came without a cabinet, but with a correct long wood face from my brother who can't remember where he got it. Were there other Scott cabinets sized for the two-speaker assembly like I see on another post here?

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Sorry, had to correct pictures.


I suspect they might have had different assemblies for different cabinets. I had an original twin speaker mount similar to yours but it doesn't have the top/bottom boards to hold it together. It fits perfectly in my Olympia cabinet - I'll try to add some pics soon. 


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