EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

I just installed the tweeters in my pointer dial Laurate Grande Philharmonic. To demonstrate the potential of this radio I found a retired RF engineer who is building a 10 watt 25kc bandwidth transmitter and I should have it by July. The cabinet is a work of art. I can sit and stare at it for hours. This should be fun when the transmitter arrives.

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That would be amazing to hear...and see! But what frequency will it be transmitting on? How long before the "radio police" show up? Lol!

I'd like to see a picture of that.  I didn't think a pointer dial Philharmonic in a Laureate Grand even existed.  I've never seen a modern picture of one. 

I would like to add that your radio is my dream radio.  I'd give up a lot of my collection to have one. 

No doesn't exist  LOL.

I found the cabinet at an estate sale in what once millionaires row on James St. in Syracuse NY.It cost $120. The chassis I got from Ebay for $850. The tweeters were from a radio collector in Baldwinsville he wacked me $600. I recaped and changed a bunch of other parts. I fed her new old stock ST 6L6 and 5Z3s. I am lucky to have a good friend that owns an electronics supply store that opened in the 1920's by his dad. Stewart is now 91 and he did a total alignment with equipment that I could only dream of owning much less knowing how to use. Mr.Smith probably knows more about vacuum tube electronics than anyone else alive. He built his own TV set from parts when he was in elementary school and was watching when Syracuse's first TV station went on the air with test patterns in the 1940's. I will have my oldest son take a photo when he is over next time. I am looking forward to getting the Hi Fi transmitter and seeing what this radio can do. It is going to go into my living room in the place where my 1937 Hi Fi Silvertone with variable selectivity has sat for the last 20 years.

The April 1937 Scott News shows the newly introduced Philharmonic in a Laureate Grande.

the cabinet model is considerable enlarged to accommodate a Philharmonic.

My December 1937 price list shows 50" high, 34" wide, 19.5 "" deep. 

A rare cabinet, be top heavy so move carefully with receiver in it.

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