EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

My dad had a repair & service shop with his brother in law in the early(?) 1950’s. I discovered a dusty chassis, which the plate states serial no. K-345
Looks like Volume,Static Control, Tuning knobs. Multi-position chicken head selector knob, and small push button at front. One knob on back side. Multi-pin connector snakes out the back. Pease advise what I may have. Guessing 12 tubes as those are under perferated shields. 7 huge non-perforated shields, and two caps(?).
Guessing serial tells a lot, but can’t find any reference other than it’s an earlier format. Also, found some literature from 1937-1941.
Please tell me what I have over here. Thank you!
David W

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David -

From the serial number and tube count, you have a Scott Allwave XV receiver. There should also be an amp/power supply with 3 tubes and a 12in speaker. There are manuals and information here on the site in the "Scott Info Archive" >> Set Folders >> Allwave 15.


Wooden knobs I think. The tuner display has 4 columns in the clear plastic, and banded white, black(?), red, and green.

Also, the Allwave 15 sets were introduced in April 1934 and were gone just over a year later. Any literature you have later is probably Scott mailings. The company often tried to get past owners to update/upgrade their sets.


Yes, the set is 4 bands. AM and 3 SW bands. They are controlled by the lever under the dial window. The owner's manual is in the info archive here, that should tell you about the controls, tubes and the additional parts of the set I mentioned.


David W said:

Wooden knobs I think. The tuner display has 4 columns in the clear plastic, and banded white, black(?), red, and green.
Well, that’s a great start. Now I know what it is! I do recall another piece, and maybe a speaker. Hopefully, I can find it. Appreciate the assist. And yes, the literature looks like mailings.
Also has a small stand-alone Broadcast/Shortwave selector switch with the two push connectors.

Yes, an antenna switch, a small optional device. The fellow that had the set originally probably liked listening to both AM and the SW bands. I hope you are able to locate the amp and speaker too. 

One word: do not attempt to operate the set unless someone with electronics experience has gone over the set. The capacitors are undoubtedly bad, there may be other issues too. There are very high voltages in the set and it can do more damage if things aren't in good shape. "A tube or tube" will not resolve it - in my experience, tubes are often fine. 

Let us know if you find the other parts and have more questions!


I hear you. Variac? I’m no expert but know too much to get in trouble. I also recall a big coil (antenna?) in a wooden base that could rotate. Was maybe 10-12 inches tall.
I think I destroyed one tube (58, 8 pin. Some fatter than others). Pulled shield off and think tension pulled contact off tip.

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