EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Need help on PhIlharmonic in Los Angeles, Central Valley area of California

Hi all,

I just acquired a Philharmonic with pointer (as per our instruction manuals).  It looks to be complete... but it has obviously been "serviced" by someone as several of the can filters have been replaced by older filter caps.

The fact that this is my first Scott set leads to believe I will probably need help figuring out what to do... especially with the ampilfier stage.  4 transformers - wow, what a beast.

Is there anyone in the Los Angeles, Central California valley area that could help me out.  This seems a bit more daunting than the Philcos and Zeniths I fixed before. 

I will take some pictures of the set & amp section in next day or so.  The picture I've included was taken by the man I bought the set from.  By the way, there was no cabinet.  

Thank you all for any encouragement and guidance you can give me. Scott

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Also, be mindful that there was a factory wiring error on a large amount of these amps.  The wiring of the 50pF micas and 250k resistors was not symmetrical.  The schematic is correct, so just verify against the schematic that your amp doesn't have this issue.  The wiring error did not impact performance to a large enough degree that they caught it early. 

Here are the 1st pictures.  The filter cans are in a diamond pattern.  

Yup, that is the early chassis. 

It is very difficult to find these early ones with the original electrolytic cans in place.  They leaked, and leaked early in life.  EH Scott even stated in their literature that a small amount of leakage was normal, though that is embarrassingly wrong. 

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