EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Hey guys it's been a long while since I posted but I have resettled in Seattle. I am NOT an electrician nor an engineer, but the 1935 Scott I have from my parents is collecting dust as a furniture piece. I would LOVE to have it restored (the internal bits that is) but have no knowledge of how to do it. Does anyone live in Seattle, or know someone tha could do the job in the Seattle area?

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Matt, there are several experienced radio restorers (myself not included) who are members of the Puget Sound Antique Radio Association (PSARA).  Website:

I can recommend Jerry Cappoen in Federal Way, I think he'd do a good job for you based on work of his that I've seen.  I've also heard that Harold Hagen in Seattle is very good.  You can contact them through PSARA, or send me a private message and I can give you contact info.


There are some unusual and unique problems that need to be addressed when restoring the AW-23 tuner.  I have prepared a checklist that includes instructions for addressing these problems that can be found at the link below.  It will likely be of help to whoever you retain to restore the AW-23.


Many thanks Rodney and Norman, I plan on getting in touch with these guys soon in the PSARA. I'll get up to the north side one of these days. The checklist will go with whoever I have get it done. Much appreciated.

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