EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

The shortwave station WTWW runs a Christmas event each year. They ask listeners to submit a photograph of the radio you are using while listening to Christmas music on their station. 

Last year I submitted a photo of a Zenith Trans-Oceanic I was using.

This year I took a photo of the Scott Philharmonic which I recently put back together and placed in my radio room so I can use it. My photo is below. ( the knobs are all wrong - someday I will find a set).

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Comment by Ken Carr on January 4, 2016 at 3:46pm

David ... Thanks for the link. That may be the way to go if I can't find the real deal. I am patient. It took me 13 years to find a lens that covers the courtesy lamp in my Buick (I wasn't trying real hard).

The show I may attend is the New England Antique Radio Club show. There is always nice stuff there. One year I came away with a Philco cathedral and an early Battery Eliminator. I will always remember the day I bargained with Alan Douglas and came away with a great FADA Neutrodyne for a mere $25 or so. He was a really nice guy!

Comment by David C. Poland on January 4, 2016 at 12:26pm

Ken - If you strike out after a couple meets, Ed Schultz (dba Renovated Radios) has a generic version repo of the round knob that looks pretty good.  The 1 inch diameter version of KGen-5 with a set screw.

Comment by Ken Carr on January 2, 2016 at 7:09pm

David ...I have exactly two original knobs and they are both like the one in the lower left of your photograph. My plan is exactly as you said. I will get myself to radio show. The best one around here is about a 2 hour ride up in Massachusetts. It is probably happening soon. I will have to check. 

Comment by Ken Carr on January 2, 2016 at 7:07pm

Thomas ... I have about 10 feet of wire attached and I just spread it out on the floor. When I want good reception I attach the end of the wire to my antenna switch and select a 120 foot off center dipole (80m Carolina Windom). That really makes a difference! I can also dial in a Gap Titan DX vertical. Since I am a ham radio operator (KE1RI) I already have the antennas available. I suspect that any good length of wire erected high enough will do well.

Comment by David C. Poland on January 2, 2016 at 4:22pm

Philharmonic knobs.   The 1 inch diameter brown plastic (bakelite) are appropriate for any Philharmonic. The pinch style is appropriate and most common for volume and band based on Scott Literature I have. The harder to find brown plastic  bat wing style is seen for volume and band, too. A shorter, very hard to find round is correct for the inside tuning knob.  The cast metal type for band and volume seems to have been provided for part of 1938 for the pointer dial sets .  

Never seen Scott Literature photos with the wood "S" knobs on a Philharmonic, only on the smaller sets (Phantoms, Super 12, Laureate  and Masterpiece) 

Comment by David C. Poland on January 2, 2016 at 4:11pm

Comment by David C. Poland on January 2, 2016 at 4:04pm

As for knobs for you late 1930's Philharmonic. I attached a photo that includes the various knobs usually found and pictured on Scott literature for Philharmonics.

Go with the 1 inch diameter brown round, except for the 2 closest to the dial (band and volume) use the "pinch" version. These 2 styles are not uncommon at the larger club swap meets for knob sellers. Also used on the Scott Sixteen and, maybe, some earlier Phantoms before the wood "S" knobs were introduced. Incidentally, never seen the wood "S" knobs on Philharmonics pictured in Scott literature or on any Philharmonic I have seen that I considered original.  

The metal were prior to your 8 knob BOL version for volume and band. The harder to find brown plastic (bakelite) bat-wing style for volume and band are also seen in some Philharmonic Scott photos and what I have on my pointer Philly for volume and band controls.


Comment by Thomas Day on January 2, 2016 at 2:19pm

What do most current owners use for an antenna these days. I have a 50 foot long wire on the roof, set up in a V shape with the ends about 12 feet apart and the V at the peak of the roof. I don't have the space to put up the doublet that Scott recommended for my allwave  23. 

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