EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

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Thomas Day
  • Male
  • Chicago, IL
  • United States
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Thomas Day's Discussions

Allwave 23 sr#J497

Started this discussion. Last reply by Thomas Day Feb 9, 2023. 39 Replies

Hi All: I have posted about this set when I got it in 2015, and have some additional questions/information about it.This appears to be an in-between version from the 5 knob set to the 7 knob set, in…Continue

Allwave 23 oscillatorr bypass caps

Started this discussion. Last reply by Thomas Day Jan 6, 2021. 2 Replies

HI:I have seen a schematic or picture of the bypass caps added to the filament connections of the oscillator tube in the allwave 23. I thought I had printed it out but cannot find it. Are the caps…Continue

Allwave 23 RF alignment

Started this discussion. Last reply by Thomas Day Jan 24, 2017. 5 Replies

The directions for the RF alignment of the Allwave 23 say that you connect the generator to the antenna terminals thru the "proper dummy". Capacitor? value? For all of the alignments I have done over…Continue

Allwave 23 Chrome covers

Started this discussion. Last reply by David C. Poland Apr 15, 2016. 1 Reply

I have a set of chrome covers in good condition for the power transformer for the Allwave 23.I also have the transformer, but it has a shorted primary winding. If anyone is interested let me…Continue


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Thomas Day liked Kent King's discussion AW 23 hum problem
Thomas Day replied to John Chidgey's discussion AW 23 dial lamp shade
"I have one chassis that has the shield and one without. There isn’t much difference. "
Sep 30
Thomas Day liked Kent King's discussion Scott serial numbers
Sep 27
Thomas Day replied to Kent King's discussion AW23 tuner hum
"One off the wall I can think of, check the minus supply for ripple or signal with a scope. i know you said that another chassis with the same supply works fine, but there may be something in this chassis that is not the same. "
Aug 29
Thomas Day liked Buzz Stone's discussion Super 12 Late Version Tube Layout
Jul 10
Thomas Day replied to William Taney's discussion Scott Metropolitan Repair in Midwest
"Nice looking chassis in great condition. I see a nice 3 speed Webcor changer in the background. I had one years ago in my college days. "
May 11
Thomas Day replied to Don Jackson's discussion My First Scott: An Allwave 23
"Great find."
Apr 8
Thomas Day replied to John Stafford's discussion Problem with AW 23 Oscillator
"I had a similar problem with mine, Oscillator finally quit. Tube was bad. Replaced it and seems to be fixed. I have a second chassis that I have totally rebuilt. Also, a service bulletin recommending a direct connection of cathode to ground and .05…"
Apr 8
Thomas Day replied to Michael J Boessen's discussion Scott AW 15 Finicky Oscillator
Dec 13, 2023
Thomas Day replied to Michael J Boessen's discussion Scott AW 15 Finicky Oscillator
Dec 13, 2023
Thomas Day replied to Kent King's discussion Scott serial numbers
"Great find. I have serial # K486 listening now to WSM. and J497 which is the chassis only. I rebuilt both.  All of the service information is in the files listed on this web site. "
Oct 25, 2023
Kent King commented on Thomas Day's status
"Are you looking for specific parts off an AW23 supply? I have many parts, PM me and let's see what all you need. I may be able to help... Kent"
Jun 15, 2023
Thomas Day posted a status
"Looking for an Allwave 23 power supply. Condition not important as long as the transformers and chokes are good."
Jun 14, 2023
Thomas Day replied to Michael J Boessen's discussion Tuning Can for Scott Allwave 15
"I have the Allwave 23 with the quad 2A3 power amp. One quarter turn of the volume control is all you need, anything more will be way too loud. Thom. "
May 16, 2023
Thomas Day replied to Michael J Boessen's discussion Tuning Can for Scott Allwave 15
"For the coil wheel detents, they are a spring and cup assembly, not spring and ball.. This same setup is used in the Allwave 23. I managed to lose one set when I rebuilt my second Allwave 23..I was able get a replacement from a list…"
May 16, 2023
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Apr 3, 2023

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Thomas Day's Blog

Scott allwave 23 caps

Posted on February 9, 2022 at 11:34pm 0 Comments

I just checked the caps removed from J497. There are Potter, Sprague and Aerovox. Not sure how many are original, but those are what I found. Kent gave me an approximate build date several years ago. 

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At 2:14pm on July 13, 2021, Dave Pike said…
Hi Thomas, I have accepted your friend request! I live in SE Michigan, NW of Detroit. I have been collecting radios, stereo equipment, TV'S, most anything that contains vacuum tubes, for many, many years. I have recently acquired my first EH Scott radio, a 7 knob Allwave 23, in Warrington cabinet. I have experienced and admired Scott radios for years, since I was first aware of them, over 30 years ago! Always wanted at least one, for my collection, and finally found an affordable one! I have my set basically working, I have to recap the tuner, which I will be doing, as soon as I buy more capacitors.
At 10:07pm on September 9, 2018, Brian Sherrod said…

Hi Thomas, right after I posted my thread I discovered my model is a 310, not a 510.  I was relieved since the 310 did not have the power amp to begin with, and I thought mine was missing.  I removed my thread due to that since it was wasted space...  

Thanks for the comment and tip.

At 7:47pm on November 1, 2013, Dan Fox said…

Thanks again-I will give this information to my friend who has the chassis on his bench right now (waiting for condensers).  I have lived in Muskegon 25 years, and while I have been to the Frauenthal many times, I have never had a chance to go when the Damfinos get together.  That Barton pipe organ looks like a bear to operate!  An old aquaintance of mine, Cliff Martin, played it for many years.

At 9:31pm on October 31, 2013, Dan Fox said…

Thanks, Thom, you were right-I am looking for a .25mfd @1250v, not 25mfd (wouldn't be the first time I've missed the point!).  Which leaves me with the same problem-where can I find one?

At 8:05pm on May 23, 2011, Kent King said…
At 8:04pm on May 23, 2011, Kent King said…

Thom - Actually, it was Norman Braithwaite that put the checklist on here. I don't have a link handy right now, but I'll try to find it and post a link here...


At 5:28pm on April 28, 2011, David C. Poland said…

Look for a current drain.


My first AW-23 had a shorted primary when I acquired it 15 years ago. (I should have been suspicious of the 10 amp primary fuse  ...  like maybe a proper 3 amp fuse would blow.). Anyway, I recapped it before powering up the first time on my variac. The proper size fuse  would blow when my variac reached about 40 volts. I eventually obtained another power transformer from a rough amp, and the radio ran great. Then a year or so later the fuse blew Christmas day, after it had been playing 3-4 hours ..... same problem as before, blowing the fuse at moderate variac voltage.


The ultimate problem turned out to be in the speaker. The red B+ wire inside the pedestal from the speaker terminal strip to the field coil was laying across the point of a screw and made a partial connection at high voltage through the worn insulation. Excessive current was not quite enough to blow the fuse but enough to overheat the transformer,  progressively cooking  the transformer until the primary failed blowing the fuse the day I ran it several hours. I found the problem by close visual inspection of the routing of the wires in the speaker. Corrected the wire location, and the power transformer #3 has worked out fine for many years.


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