EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Afternoon all,

First post here but a long time Scott collector. Recently retired (April-12) and finally looking across my Scott collection that I was able to acquire while employeed. I'm entertaining thoughts of replating a couple of the higher end chassis (Phantom, Philly) chrome/nickle and SG9's, copper, and was wondering what others have experienced in cost and quality.  Does the group have a plating shop they'd recommend?


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Congratulations on the retirement and welcome to the forum.  I have stripped many Scott chassis and sent them out for new chrome.  However, all but one were the earlier all wave models.  The one exception is a Scott Special Communications Receiver.  Unlike the earlier models having the easily removable turret bandswitch, the bandswitch on the later models has to be substantially disassembled.  Preparation for replating requires a lot of work and lots of good notes and photos.  It is also very helpful to have a second identical chassis available to serve as a 3D wiring diagram.

Costs for replating here in California are higher than in other states due to environmental requirements.  Some replating services located in southern California ship to Mexico for polishing and plating.  There are several reasons that I would be concerned about using the services shipping to Mexico.  I have been paying $150 to $200 for the main chassis, about half that for tuner shields, and about $15 to $20 per part for transformer covers.  The price depends to some extent on the condition of the item to be replated.  I do not seek replating service for the aluminum shield cans.

The shields in the Scott Shield Grid Nine are solid copper and can be polished and lacquered if in poor condition to begin with.


Hi Norman! Long time since we talked. This web site is a great asset to the Scott collectors!

I must admit that after turning over the one dial philly that begs for restoration, that the bandswitch assembly is a nightmare; gotta put the cork back in the whisky bottle! Just clean/polish it as best as I can and be happy with that!.  I do have an exact (as exact as possible) working dial philly waiting to go through the full alignment again.  


I have several of the earlier Allwaves - a couple might be replate candidates instead of parts suppliers.


Yes I know all to well of the high cost of the Calif platers. Along with Scotts I'm restoring a 1929 Hudson Sedan and just paid for that chrome replating,


I'm mistaken then on the SG9 - I could have sworn that the copper was plated.   Its been a while since I made the placard tags for the transformers so I'll have to relook at them.




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