EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Philharmonic Receiver, Photos of components near chassis plug?

There appears to have been some major quick repairs to the underside of my Philharmonic receiver in the area where the chassis plug exits. If anyone has any photographs of how this area should appear, I would appreciate looking at them. They will help me figure out what goes where.

There is what looks like a multiple-section resistor on the end wall (marked '523', possibly the B voltage divider). Some of the leads coming from this go to large solder blobs where 3-4 wires are joined and just hanging in the air. Also it appears that a red lead was attached at one point and it went to a 2000 ohm ceramic resistor (now broken off) that was attached to nothing on the other end.

So, any archived photos  someone might have may be helpful. I have included a couple of my own to show the area in question. Thanks.

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Good on the scratch supressor! This set has one surprise after another. I suspect that someone was cutting leads and adding power resistors to compensate for failing capacitors. In the process they also reversed two tubes (caught that during initial cleaning).

Ken - Sounds like your radio has had an "interesting" history. Despite the high tube count and extensive features, get the B+ circuits yielding reasonable voltages, and then just work through the various circuits in turn and it will all make sense. By the time you finish sorting through everything, you will really understand the Philharmonic.

Concerning the hi-lo switch on the amp, I suggest you set it so the tubes filaments are less bright to extend tube life and to significantly reduce B+ voltages in operation. Takes some stress off the 75 year power transformer.

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