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Scott Serial Number vs. Model Number Cross Reference

Does such a list exist?  I am trying to verify what my SN WW-83 is.  I think it may be an improved Super XII.

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That is a Super 12  receiver - 3rd version like mine.

Wish I had opened this thread first.

Seek the one tube outboard power supply, to which the 7 pin set cable connects. 

The 5 pin socket on the back of the receiver is for the speaker 5 pin plug. The Super 12 speaker (Magnavox) has only one field coil - hence fewer wires.

I wonder if I can modify the set and ps chasses to make it look like a Masterpiece? Probably too hard to find a one tube amp.
Any idea how many Super XII version 3's were produced?

The standard Super 12 applies for the most part as does the alignment info,  

I have not restored my late 3rd version Super 12, but expect to refer to the Masterpiece diagram to see where the the additional controls are integrated into it.

According to the Super 12 instruction manual insert I have ---- two added controls thus:

The bottom left control is RADIO/PHONO switch.  (Previously on the wave change shaft as PH)

The bottom right control is SENSITIVITY  (The earlier Supper 12 lacked this control.)

The other controls are the usual:

- upper left control is SELECTIVITY (broad or narrow and therefore acts as the trebel control)

-inner left VOLUME and ac switch.

-upper right WAVE CHANGE  (left most is broadcast band)

-inner right BASS

And always remember Scott models evolved and so a particular example may not exactly agree with the diagram.

Thanks Dave.

I am going to recheck my 7 pin Scott plug connector. I assumed the 7 pin connectors all had the same spacing. If not I will need to replace it with one that will fit my 3 tube Masterpiece power supply. Do you have the correct one tube ps for yours?

Nope - you can not do that without a lot of analysis and redesign. 

Scott used at least 3 versions of the 7 pin plugs over the years so as to prevent attempts to connect incompatible items from different models .

That 7 pin plug of the late Super 12 cable is wired to 1) carry 115 ac to the receivers's on/off switch, Filament voltage to the receiver, and B+ and, I suspect, B- to the receiver and a ground. There is no wire carrying audio signal, because  the output of the Super 12's 6V6's goes to the 5 pin speaker socket.

The Masterpiece amp is expecting output from 6J5's into a center tapped interstage transformer (hard to replace if damaged). And I do not know if the B+ and filament and ground of the late Super 12 follow the same logic as the Masterpiece. 

What are you proposing to do to feed appropriate audio from the Super 12 into the Masterpiece interstage audio transformer. 


Looking at your photos again, I see your receiver has unmarked tube sockets (as does mine) - which adds to potential confusion between the 2 model Scotts.

Is it possible the source of you Scott supplied the wrong items and actually has the 1 tube power supply and speaker with 5 pin plug you should have?

I checked with him and he said he doesn't have it. I bought 5 Scott sets from him. I also have an all-wave 12 Deluxe which came with the All wave 12 two dial power supply, so I have a problem with that combination as well. The power supplies are not interchangeable. I should have done more due diligence when I went to his place to purchase the sets.

My ser # list of reports serial numbers is rather dated now. Kent may shed some additional light with current data.

Anyway - My dated copy of Kent's list includes:

The WW ser #'s like yours are Super Twelve from start to over 200 (and by # 254 change over to Laureates). 

Other Super 12's reported use TT,  QQ,  JJ  prefix.

Reported Masterpieces have prefixes of ZZ,  NN,  JJ      but none with WW.

My Super 12s are a TT and the one like yours is WW.  My Masterpiece is JJ.

I believe there is little production overlap and that Super 12 production stopped with the introduction of the Masterpiece. Indeed, the late Super 12 with 6 controls appears to a transitional step towards the Masterpiece design.

Yes - I have the correct 1 tube power supply - and it took awhile to find it. No Scott tag on it but it is chrome plated with one octal tube socket and the familiar chrome plated power transformer but no chrome plated choke.

There are 2 versions earlier with a 5V4 and later (like mine) with a 5U4. Either should be ok for yours and the power requirements. 

Is there reference that lists the various speakers and other major parts for each Scott model (i.e. a parts list for each model).  I have several speakers that I am trying to match up with the various chasses i recently bought.

No reference "list" that I know of matching speakers to various sets.  

The new Scott book ( disclosure: I am a co-author) is a much improved spotters guide in part because we gave much attention putting  proper speaker images and amp images with each model Scott receiver chassis image.

Where Scott had significant changes within a model, we devoted separate pages with images.

           - examples 2 pages for Super 12's  ... and 6 for Phantoms   -  with Comments of further variations.

The book was designed for folks like you to cope with Scott items now that so many sets have been separated over the years and are often seen as individual pieces today. And to help detect sets put in cabinets but have been reassembled incorrectly. 

Joe - Some of us are experienced enough to identify a majority of items by appearance alone.

Generally, if the speaker or set cable plug fits the amp socket, it may well be correct but exercise caution until sure. So next, trace the cable wiring from plug to the speaker and compare to the circuit diagram.

With Scott,being foremost a high-end custom set builder, Scott was continually improving each model to be the best. And so available circuit diagrams may not exactly match the example a person has, but should be close. 

Post a photo of 2 or 3 of your speakers with cable plug in plain sight with plug pins showing and let folks help identify them for you.

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