EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Is there room in a cabinet originally made for a Metropolitan 16A to install an 800B chassis set and have the slide out feature, or would it have to be stationary without the slide brackets? Or would it fit at all?

I saw this one on eBay and contacted the seller to get a picture straight on of the radio-tuner chassis area: Item # 272578888450

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Here are some more pictures of the same cabinet:

Good question. I have that cabinet. It is the nicest cabinet offered with the Metropolitan 16A. I measured the tuner compartment and found the width of this compartment to be 1-inch short of the width of an 800B faceplate (16.5-inches v. 17.5-inches). Should anyone be interested in putting the gutted set back in service, I have an extra power amplifier for this model available.


Joe, that's a shame the tuner won't fit that cabinet. That would have been perfect.



The 800B radio-tuner chassis is 16 inches wide without the slide rails, so it could fit, but the face plate would have to be custom made for the 800B. It appears that the Metropolitan 16A has a straight vertical front while the 800B has the top portion slanted back at perhaps 15 degrees. Am I right about the difference?


The fellow who has the cabinet has both chassis and said he is selling those separately. I expect the speaker goes with the chassis, although I have not verified that.


The 800B tuner chassis can probably be installed as a fixed installation.  The depth (front to back) of the tuner chassis compartment is more than adequate for the 800B tuner chassis.  The tuner chassis of some of the last 800B sets sold were fixed installations.  I'll bet the fellow gutting the set will be selling the speaker separately in hopes of getting top dollar.


I found a company with local service in Los Angeles area:

Shipping from LA, CA - Los Angeles, 264 Spazier Ave., Burbank, CA 91502

The seller is to measure the cabinet for me and let me know size and approximate weight.



I believe that is the case. He mentioned that he was selling the contents separately.


I got a quote from one company of $682 which seems high. I have no experience with this situation. The item is about 38 inches wide, 37 inches tall an 21 inches deep and weighs about 60 to 80 pounds. The unit is in Woodland Hills, CA and I live near Tioga, TX.


Craters and Freighters is about the most expensive company for shipping but it is my understanding that their reliability, service, and care is superior.  That cabinet is under the weight threshold for shipping via Greyhound.  If the cabinet can be boxed and is not over the size limit, Greyhound shipping is inexpensive but they are not so convenient or careful, at least locally.



Thanks for that information. I have zero experience with this sort of thing. I will check on the Greyhound possibility.


You could also try UShip.  My experiences with the LTL carriers there have been good, and prices seem to be middlin' between Greyhound and C&F (both of which I've also used).  Finding someone to transport your item is a little more "hands on" with UShip.  Sometimes you think you've got someone lined up, and then they decide to take a higher dollar item in a different town and back out.  And you start your search again.  So it takes a little patience.  But I've never had an item damaged once I found a carrier.

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