EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

As most of you know, I've been gathering and analyzing Scott serial numbers for over 20 years. I have a couple requests....first, if you haven't sent me your serial numbers, please do. Also...if any of you have a confirmed date for a set/serial number, please send me that. There is a warranty tag on ebay at the moment, these are great, since they have the date and serial number on them. A letter with a date is also good confirmation. I would greatly appreciate any info you fellows can provide. I'll post more about serial numbers here in the future.


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Hi Kent,

That is an amazing accomplishment to gather 1751 Scott serial numbers! Have you ever published a list of how many serial numbers you have by each Scott model?


Kent King said:

Thanks...I had D-751. Many of the sets out there were reported as much as 30 years ago to JWF Puett. When I started collecting serial numbers, I began with June's list and added to it. It also didn't help that there were a number of mistakes in the list as well. Anyway...we now have 1751 serial numbers in the database.


Why do some of the Philharmonic sets in this discussion have Serial Numbers starting with "BB ..." whereas mine starts with the letter "D .... "?  Were there varieties of Philharmonic Models made, some with more features than others, in the same production run, and distinguished from one another by the letter(s) in their serial numbers?  Any light you guys can shine onto what (to me) is this lettering mystery I would greatly appreciate!  Thank you.

Kent King said:

Thanks...I had D-751. Many of the sets out there were reported as much as 30 years ago to JWF Puett. When I started collecting serial numbers, I began with June's list and added to it. It also didn't help that there were a number of mistakes in the list as well. Anyway...we now have 1751 serial numbers in the database.


Jos -

That's an easy one. The very first Philharmonic sets began with very high D, E and F prefixes. The numbers are all 650 or greater in each prefix (below that are the AW23s, as expected). I only have one hard manufacture date in these sets, F-833 was built Aug 15, 1937. Somewhere in the late summer/fall of 1937, Scott started using the two-letter prefixes. I've got AA-161 in mid Sep 37, and BB-207 in mid Nov 37. By 1938, all sets were produced with double letter prefixes.


I should add: of the 321 known Philly serial numbers, 63 are in the "early" single letter prefixes.


Kent King said:

Jos -

That's an easy one. The very first Philharmonic sets began with very high D, E and F prefixes. The numbers are all 650 or greater in each prefix (below that are the AW23s, as expected). I only have one hard manufacture date in these sets, F-833 was built Aug 15, 1937. Somewhere in the late summer/fall of 1937, Scott started using the two-letter prefixes. I've got AA-161 in mid Sep 37, and BB-207 in mid Nov 37. By 1938, all sets were produced with double letter prefixes.


Hi, Kent - thanks for your most interesting reply - this means then that my Philharmonic must be from one of Scott's earliest production runs, before any modifications were made. The Schematic which I bought from Steven Johnson at his Schematics website in Michigan is signed and dated REVISED 1939 so I expect my wiring to deviate somewhat from it  - UNLESS someone later on updated my set - but somehow I doubt it ever got any updates. 

I will have to decide if the updates Scott made to his Philharmonic AM-only radios are worth researching and adding to mine when I rebuild it.

Kent King said:

Jos -

That's an easy one. The very first Philharmonic sets began with very high D, E and F prefixes. The numbers are all 650 or greater in each prefix (below that are the AW23s, as expected). I only have one hard manufacture date in these sets, F-833 was built Aug 15, 1937. Somewhere in the late summer/fall of 1937, Scott started using the two-letter prefixes. I've got AA-161 in mid Sep 37, and BB-207 in mid Nov 37. By 1938, all sets were produced with double letter prefixes.


I think I have published that earlier in this thread, but its always good to update:

AW23 492

AW12 205

AW15 230

Phantom 266

Philharmonic 321

16/18 95

Laureate 35

Super12 47

Masterpiece 42

FM Tuner 8

Special 10


David Wilson said:

Hi Kent,

That is an amazing accomplishment to gather 1751 Scott serial numbers! Have you ever published a list of how many serial numbers you have by each Scott model?


Kent King said:

Thanks...I had D-751. Many of the sets out there were reported as much as 30 years ago to JWF Puett. When I started collecting serial numbers, I began with June's list and added to it. It also didn't help that there were a number of mistakes in the list as well. Anyway...we now have 1751 serial numbers in the database.


I'll have to look but I think I've got some earlier schematics. They may not be in the archive however. I'll see what I can find and add them to the archive as I can.


Jos Callinet said:

Hi, Kent - thanks for your most interesting reply - this means then that my Philharmonic must be from one of Scott's earliest production runs, before any modifications were made. The Schematic which I bought from Steven Johnson at his Schematics website in Michigan is signed and dated REVISED 1939 so I expect my wiring to deviate somewhat from it  - UNLESS someone later on updated my set - but somehow I doubt it ever got any updates. 

I will have to decide if the updates Scott made to his Philharmonic AM-only radios are worth researching and adding to mine when I rebuild it.

Kent King said:

Jos -

That's an easy one. The very first Philharmonic sets began with very high D, E and F prefixes. The numbers are all 650 or greater in each prefix (below that are the AW23s, as expected). I only have one hard manufacture date in these sets, F-833 was built Aug 15, 1937. Somewhere in the late summer/fall of 1937, Scott started using the two-letter prefixes. I've got AA-161 in mid Sep 37, and BB-207 in mid Nov 37. By 1938, all sets were produced with double letter prefixes.



Thanks for posting these serial number breakouts! Ineresting stuff... lots of AW 23s and Philharmoincs sets. I thing it has been posted here that there are 19 AW27 in existance and 1 complete Quadrants, is this correct? 


Kent King said:

I think I have published that earlier in this thread, but its always good to update:

AW23 492

AW12 205

AW15 230

Phantom 266

Philharmonic 321

16/18 95

Laureate 35

Super12 47

Masterpiece 42

FM Tuner 8

Special 10


David Wilson said:

Hi Kent,

That is an amazing accomplishment to gather 1751 Scott serial numbers! Have you ever published a list of how many serial numbers you have by each Scott model?


Kent King said:

Thanks...I had D-751. Many of the sets out there were reported as much as 30 years ago to JWF Puett. When I started collecting serial numbers, I began with June's list and added to it. It also didn't help that there were a number of mistakes in the list as well. Anyway...we now have 1751 serial numbers in the database.


19 AW27 sets is correct. I can't really break them out easily as they occur randomly through the  A, T, U X, Y and Z prefixes. There are two complete original Quaranta sets, there is the one Jaques Dubois built back in the 90s using largely original Scott components and there are occasional pieces of others (I have a bass amp in my collection, for example). The two known sets are both in the "X" prefix.


David Wilson said:


Thanks for posting these serial number breakouts! Ineresting stuff... lots of AW 23s and Philharmoincs sets. I thing it has been posted here that there are 19 AW27 in existance and 1 complete Quadrants, is this correct? 


Kent King said:

I think I have published that earlier in this thread, but its always good to update:

AW23 492

AW12 205

AW15 230

Phantom 266

Philharmonic 321

16/18 95

Laureate 35

Super12 47

Masterpiece 42

FM Tuner 8

Special 10


David Wilson said:

Hi Kent,

That is an amazing accomplishment to gather 1751 Scott serial numbers! Have you ever published a list of how many serial numbers you have by each Scott model?


Kent King said:

Thanks...I had D-751. Many of the sets out there were reported as much as 30 years ago to JWF Puett. When I started collecting serial numbers, I began with June's list and added to it. It also didn't help that there were a number of mistakes in the list as well. Anyway...we now have 1751 serial numbers in the database.


Kent, do you have KK-71, a dial pointer Philharmonic?  I am thinking it is a late dial pointer as the 4uF quad is in a tubular can as opposed to the rectangular box of the earlier ones, and it is definitely factory.  There are no holes where the rectangular can would mount. 

I also have KK-104 and KK-88 which you should already have. (both dial pointers)

It is interesting that KK-88 (Dec 6, 1937 stamped) has the old rectangular can for the 4 uF caps.  Is my thinking correct that Scott moved from these rectangular cans to the tubular style in later sets?  If yes, then that is just an indication that the serial number has no bearing on the manufacture date, but you may have established that already.  

Hi Kent,

A couple more serial numbers for you. One you may already have. I bought a pointer dial Philharmonic from Merle Jones in Sacramento, California. It is BB-128.

I also picked up an AM/FM Philharmonic, sans cabinet, in Portland, Oregon, on our way back from vacation. The number is GG-351. I'll include a couple pics...


The serial # on my AW 23 7 knob - A-741

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