EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

All...I presently have 4 Scott television sets in my collection. They are as follows:

Two model 6T11 projection sets (circa 1948)

a 17 in set in the cabinet with an 800B (the frighteningly heavy 800BT, circa 1949-50)

a 17 in set in a floor cabinet (circa 1955)

The 2nd 6T11 was a recent acquisition, and I noticed that my original one (serial number in the low 1000s is marked 6T11A. Sams diagrams note both the 6T11 and 6T11A. The new set is a higher serial number (1800s) and is marked 6T11B. So now I'm curious...

If anyone else has a 6T11 set, please add to this thread and send the serial number and model...

And if you have ANY Scott television set, please post more about it in this thread. I'll be adding to this in the next few days too.

I'd like to see if we can learn more about these sets. There are significant differences in my two 6T11 sets. I'm close to getting one running, when I do, I plan to sell the other one. Send me a note if you have any interest and we'll see if we can work something out.


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More specific info:

6T11A is serial number 1162

6T11B is serial number 1889

My 17 in floor set is the "Aristocrat" model, and the bill of sale is dated August 1954.

If anyone in the group has any Scott television, post your info here...thanks!

Kent, I have a 6T11 set, but don't have the serial number handy and can't easily get to it..and, well, it also is quite heavy as I recall.  What is it, about 90 lbs?



Kent King said:

More specific info:

6T11A is serial number 1162

6T11B is serial number 1889

My 17 in floor set is the "Aristocrat" model, and the bill of sale is dated August 1954.

If anyone in the group has any Scott television, post your info here...thanks!

Don -

Yes, that's probably is a heavy beast. However, I have learned that it comes apart quite easily and is very serviceable. If you ever do have to move it, grab the number and info off the back...thanks!


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