EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

I have decided to go the route of building a cabinet for my All-Wave 23. Although it may be one of the more common cabinets I believe that the Waverley Grande is located just within the outermost boundary of my woodworking ability, and I find the “Swedish Moderne” styling and cabinet proportions very pleasing. I plan on including a Garrard RC88 changer within the cabinet as that is a unit that I am familiar with and should not be too difficult to procure. I am currently in the planning stages for the cabinet.
I have a “rough idea” of the dimensions of this cabinet, but was wondering if any member owning a Waverly-Grande might be able to supply some actual dimensions for the cabinet? I believe that I only need 5 or 6 dimensions to be able to start laying pencil to paper (however, the general rule of - the best laid plans of mice and men – may take precedence  ).
The will be an adaptation but I would like to keep it as close to the original as possible.
Thanks very much,

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Looks good !!

So...where do we send the orders for custom Scott cabinets? I need one for an AM/FM Philly... ;)


You've hidden the GE cartridge preamp nicely.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for all of your assistance.

David C. Poland said:

Looks good !!

Hi Brad,

All it takes is money! :-).

Brad Winder said:

So...where do we send the orders for custom Scott cabinets? I need one for an AM/FM Philly... ;)

Thanks Mike,

I am in the process of sending a pm.

mike hadley said:


Excellent, now for many happy hours of well earned listening,


Hi Tom,

Yes, I have hidden it at Chuck A. in PA!  All I need now is a 122 mile extension cord (:-))!

The pre-amp is still "in preparation" but it looks like I will be able to pick it up in a couple of weeks.

Hope to be able to see you when I pick it up along with the tuner and amp from my Capehart.

Tom Jardine said:


You've hidden the GE cartridge preamp nicely.

Beautiful cabinet work.  

Thank you Tom,

I will pass it on to the cabinet maker that completed 99.9% of the work.

I believe that the Pics of your AW 23 were the impetus that pushed me into the Waverley cabinet.


Thomas Day said:

Beautiful cabinet work.  

Thanks. My Allwave 23 came from a collector near Chicago, where I live.  Judging from the condition of the chassis and cabinet, I don't think this one got very far away from here. The collector didn't seem to want to let me know where he found it. The only question I didn't ask was if it worked. Found out the answer was no. New power transformer and chassis recap restored operation, but I still need to do a complete alignment. Just haven't taken the time to put it on the bench.  I used neutral KIWI shoe polish to clean up the cabinet. You can see yourself in the finish. 

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