EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made


Hello all,

I have started another E.H. Scott restoration and wanted to share my progress for those interested.  Pictured is an early version AW12 Deluxe with AVC (Wunderlich tube) housed in an early version Tasman cabinet.  Upon receipt of the electronics, the set was wired for use with an 1930's era PM speaker.  The original E.H. Scott speaker was missing.  I purchased the set with a correct and working pair of E.H. Scott Rola twin speakers.  This Rola speaker setup has been seen and documented on early examples of the AW12 Deluxe chassis, which this set appears to be:

Serial number F-78

The All Wave 12 chassis/power supply and Rola speakers were added to this Tasman cabinet upon purchasing.  All is period correct thus showing an proper example as to what a complete set may have looked like brand new upon purchase via the Laboratory in the early 1930's.  Please feel free to comment as the restoration progresses.  I look forward to making this beautiful AW12 operational again!



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Don't know which version was first. Kent has both versions. I have the paper version only. 
Jon Ketron said:


After seeing your two versions I started the hunt to find both myself.  I was lucky finding this brass version on the internet several months ago.  Thank you for the information regarding.  Question:  Which station finder came out first, brass or paper?


You can make your own paper version using the graphics at the link below.


Thank you both.  Norman I will work toward making a paper version, thank you for the link.


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