EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

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David C. Poland replied to Jacob's discussion Help identifying an eh scott
"Jacob. - A Phantom has a rectangular dial. Philharmonic a large green round dial. "
David C. Poland replied to Jacob's discussion Help identifying an eh scott
"Jacob - Look for the paper clip icon above this reply box. Works best for me to load the photo and place on the desk top. Then after clicking on the paper clip, select that photo on your desk top. Should load the image as an address where you have…"
David C. Poland commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"Yeah, some chassis photos omitted the eye. But some cabinet photos for those models show the eye and escutcheon(s) as do the owner manuals drawings.  Those models came standard with the eye tube and the mounting bracket for above the dial. The…"
Kent King replied to Jacob's discussion Help identifying an eh scott
"The YY series is a split series, Phantoms and Philharmonics. With that number it should be a Philharmonic as Scott said. If you are unable to post photos, email them to me: and I will post them in this thread. Thanks! Kent"
Scott Seickel replied to Jacob's discussion Help identifying an eh scott
"The YY series puts it as a Philharmonic, the 320 puts it in the AM/FM version part of the  number series. "
Jacob replied to Jacob's discussion Help identifying an eh scott
"Photos aren't posting."
Jacob posted a discussion

Help identifying an eh scott

I've got an old radio with record player and cabinet. It's in pristine condition. The serial number is yy-320. The top lifts up and the radio is in the front upper portion of the cabinet. Ive posted pictures in the gallery. Any help is appreciated.
Jacob is now a member of EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"David Interesting that the renderings in the original promotional articles did not even show a tuning eye on the Masterpiece or Super XII. In the collector guide, the various Phantom models and Sixteen with a wood front show the tuning eye sitting…"
David C. Poland commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"I had access to panels from several Scott models. After cutting the plywood to desired dimensions, I veneered the plywood and applied the finish. Then  I used a router with a pattern bit to cut the openings for the dial, eye and tuning shaft.…"
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"David Yes, I am planning to make a front panel. I have a tuning eye escutcheon, so at least have one hard to find part. I have a dial crystal that should work, it is 5 5/8" on the inside and 6 1/4" on the outside, and will require a 5…"
mike hadley commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"I can throughly reccomend bosh jigsaw blades, t308 or t101 for smaller radius cuts, hardly any tearout. I made the fron panel for my philharmonic from 9mm ply and one of these blades"
David C. Poland commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"If you decide to make a wood front panel, use 3/8 " ply, preferably with furniture grade plywood. (Woodcraft store).  This thickness is correct for the control shaft lengths. I made the Masterpiece panel to fit the FADA cabinet, with book…"
David C. Poland commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"Yep, I had to deal with that output transformer problem some years ago and had to figure what to do. As far as I know, it is still working in Circleville OH in a Scott Masterpiece I restored for the inherited family radio. He had the rough Mayfair…"
Don Jackson commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"David Thanks for tip on the output transformer. I see you had a detailed discussion about this on another thread and posted pictures of the transformer you modified. If I find a speaker with a dead transformer I will do the same."
David C. Poland commented on Don Jackson's blog post Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer
"My Scott Masterpiece came in the somewhat rare Mayfair, a smaller sized radio/phono credenza. A CD player into the phono input produced impressive, full sound, especially with the opening track of La La Land movie soundtrack."




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Help identifying an eh scott

Started by Jacob. Last reply by David C. Poland on Saturday. 5 Replies

I've got an old radio with record player and cabinet. It's in pristine condition. The serial number is yy-320. The top lifts up and the radio is in the front upper portion of the cabinet. Ive posted…Continue

Philharmonic am/fm fidelity potentiometer

Started by John Chidgey. Last reply by Alex R. Whitaker Mar 15. 1 Reply

Hi,Can someone point me in the right direction? Is the Philharmonic am/fm fidelity control linear or audio taper control? ThanksContinue

Allwave 15 Serial #L-448

Started by Kelly McDaniel. Last reply by Alex R. Whitaker Mar 14. 9 Replies

Brought my father's Scott radio from US to Canada hope of getting it working again after many years of it sitting on a shelf. I may be Allwave 15 but I'm sure someone can confirm or correct this.…Continue

Buy, Sell, Trade

Started by Norman S Braithwaite. Last reply by Norman S Braithwaite Mar 5. 15 Replies

Available for sale or trade: 2.5-volt blue Arcturus Wunderlich tubes used in the Allwave Deluxe with AVC and in early Allwave Fifteen receivers, $60.00 or trade. Tuner chassis parts for Full Range…Continue

Blog Posts

Scott Masterpiece - Missing Dial Pointer

Posted by Don Jackson on March 15, 2025 at 8:17pm 15 Comments

I found this 14 tube Masterpiece not far from home last fall, it was a bit sad looking but it cleaned up much better than I expected. After recapping it and lots of polishing it works great and is a nice addition to my collection. It was all there, except the dial pointer was missing so made do with a generic replacement.  Knowing that not that many of these were made, I doubt if I will ever find an original dial pointer but thought I would ask anyways, there may be the remains of one of…


Pointer Dial Philharmonic Selectivity Trimmers

Posted by Don Jackson on February 22, 2025 at 7:00pm 26 Comments

Can someone verify the correct orientation of the selectivity trimmers in an early pointer dial Philharmonic? In my set the trimmer closest to the front of the set is meshed when the selectivity / fidelity control is fully counter clockwise. In this position, from front to back the trimmers are meshed, unmeshed, meshed and unmeshed. Is this correct?

The volume control has been replaced and I wounder if someone removed the fidelity control during the process and messed things up. The…


Scott Export Set and "amp"

Posted by Kent King on January 18, 2025 at 8:30am 8 Comments

Although it was built after the war, the Export set is a relatively scarce set. At the end of WW2, Scott was "stuck" with a large number of partially completed SLRM sets. They put a better face on them and the Export was born. They removed the BFO, but otherwise, the Export is an SLRM. The SLRM is an AC/DC (transformerless) set with AM and SW coverage. I have only ever seen 4 or 5 of these sets, however, there is an odd little thing going on. In the pics here, I provided the front and top…


Assembly video AW-15

Posted by Tony Ellis on December 1, 2024 at 2:52pm 1 Comment

I purchased a VHS tape years ago that showed the assembly of an AW-15 filmed in the Scott factory. Nice shots inside the factory. if this isn't already available on the website i can try to get it digitized and share it




Welcome to our Site!

Welcome to The E.H. Scott Enthusiasts Site. If you are looking for manuals or service data on a Scott set, please click on the "Scott Info Archive" link above. If you have questions for forum members, a picture is worth 1000 words, please post a pic or two to help describe your question or problem. Finally, this forum works best when we all contribute. Answer questions, provide feedback, and if you have a document worth sharing, please scan it in as a PDF and forward it to me: Kent King,…


Created by Kent King Feb 22, 2016 at 8:06am. Last updated by Kent King Jul 9, 2024.


If you are seeking any odd chassis parts, please email me with your needs (kent3256[at] I have over 40 chassis representing all Scott models from 1932 to 1947, so if you need an odd item, I might have it. What I do NOT have are knobs, escutcheons, bottom plates, dial pointers and tuning meters from the 12-15-23 sets. Sadly, those are all in very short supply. I do occasionally get these very rare parts, so always ask - you never know what I might have available for your…


Created by Kent King Jul 9, 2024 at 7:22pm. Last updated by Kent King Jul 9, 2024.

Collector's Guide

The Collector's Guide is available...if you don't have a copy, it is a great reference to everything Scott. Proceeds benefit the maintenance of this site. Email me at for more information! I also have reprints of the 1940 Scott catalog available at a reduced price. Contact me kent3256(at) for more info! …


Created by Kent King Apr 3, 2020 at 7:08am. Last updated by Kent King Jul 9, 2024.

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