The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
Well the title says it all. A bought a bunch of Scotts from Ronald Potter. One radio the allwave 23 in a Tasman cabinet had a speaker from an allwave 15 stuck in it. Anybody out there need a speaker for an Allwave 15? Ideally since a I need a speaker for an Allwave 23 I would like to do a speaker swap but I am willing to sell outright. I will send to pictures to anyone interested.
I just checked - I could probably have made a swap for just about any other model but a 23...I've got some extra speakers here, but at present, no extra 23 speakers. I will watch for one, and they do turn up on ebay occasionally. I would hold on to it for a trade, unless you buy one outright somewhere.
Yesterday I bought an scott 23 speaker on ebay from a seller I purchase items. I am still interested in doing swap
as speaker swap . I need a speaker for the Scott super XII (12 tube round dial with Stradivarius).
Let me check, I might have an extra SuperXII speaker....I'll try to look this evening after work.
I just did a check of the allwave 15 speaker...It looks like it will need the speaker field rewound.
There is a fix for those that doesn't involve rewinding the field. They suffer from joint corrosion, but can be repaired without a full rewind in many cases.
and I don't have a SuperXII speaker unfortunately. The ones on the shelf were both for Phantoms.
The Super 12 speaker is unique to that model. But unlike other contemporary Scott model speakers, the Super 12 speaker has only one field coil. So, an interim 12 inch Magnavox field coil speaker (diagram says 850 ohms) may be had for reasonable price. Then adjust field with a resister in series with the field to attain the stated field resistance, and be sure to add a 10,000 ohm resister to ground as per diagram.
A 15 watt universal output transformer (like the PP Hammond 124-E) can be matched to your interim speaker. And later when you find the correct Scott speaker, you may find the output transformer mounted on the speaker frame has an open primary in which case, that Hammond OT can be matched to the 38 ohm voice coil with a modification. The modification is to further reduce the step down ratio by adding about 20 turns of wire over the core inside the frame. I used secondary lugs 1 and 6, connecting the the additional turns to lug 6 to make a "lug 7". I can provide a photo of such a modified OT I did.
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