The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
Well, this is all new to me actually. I have been a audio enthusiast since my early teens (I'm 51 now) but old console radios have always been more of a curiosity to me than anything else. I very much enjoy my tube based stereo systems and also run a mono set-up which at the moment consists of a old Pilot tube mono amplifier, a passive preamp, a Pilot mono tube tuner and University 315.
Recently, I had the opportunity to pick up a E.H. Scott Model 16 radio and am excited about the notion of getting it up and running. The gentleman I purchased it from is a Ham radio guy that is currently in the process of reducing his inventory of misc. radios for DX'ing purposes and also had the 16. He got the radio from a old Ham radio guy that passed it along to him many years ago. He claims it works just fine but I would like to re-cap it. Particularly the power supply. The radio seems quite complete other than the missing tube shields and dial whiskers that have been broken off. I am still in the process of securing and picking up the outboard Field Coil speaker(s) for the radio.
The seller had not replaced any capacitors etc. for either power supply or receiver unit and was under the impression that everything was original. I am questioning that after looking at the power supply (in particular) and am interested in getting some opinions on where to start.
Here is a link to my Photobucket file of photos I have started for it including under chassis shots:
Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Ron
Hi Ron. Welcome to the E. H. Scott site. The Model Sixteen you have looks pretty nice. You have the correct set of knobs. Too bad about the dial pointer - it may take you awhile to get a replacement and may have to settle for something similar. The model Sixteen introduced about June 1937 was built for about a year. The Sixteen was the first of the "smaller" models Scott introduced after Scott introduced his 30 tube high fidelity model in April 1937. The Sixteen receiver used many Philharmonic parts, but had fewer audio stages, fewer IF stages, no voltage regulator and omitted such features as the volume expander.
Your amp was far enough into the production run to have a hum adjustment pot on the end of the amp. I believe the 3 filter caps on the amp are replacements, and perhaps recent enough to be OK.
Your receiver has obviously been recapped - originals would have been tan colored, wax dipped paper caps by Sprague. I would be leery of the black caps I see now. Looks like some replacements resistors, too. The Sixteen receiver was shipped with glass "G" tubes. The bases of the metal and the glass GT type you have now were too large to fit through the shield bases, hence the missing shields. Earlier Sixteens were shipped with polished aluminum tube shields and later, with chromed (I have one of each version). In seeking tube shields, you need to get the mounting bases, too.
The correct speaker is a 12 inch Magnavox model 302 with a black Scott decal on the back of the speaker. It has a curved cone and a black paper diffuser screwed to the magnet pole piece. The output transformer is attached to the speaker. If you want to see photos, e-mail me at
Scott was leading technology in the 1930s. Obtaining a copy of the owners manual and of the factory technical service data for the Sixteen would be advisable. Wish you well.
-Dave Poland
Thanks for the info., Dave. I now have a .pdf of the Riders schematic and other tech/manual information. I'm hopeful I will be able to read it decently when printed out. I would love to see some photos of the Magnavox driver so I will be taking you up on your offer. Thanks!
I have a 16 in the Warrington cabinet and it is one of my BEST sounding Scotts.
The 18 tube version must be very rare and can be identified with it's 2 push-pull shafts as compared to only 1 PP shaft on the 16.
Bruce - The Eighteen sets are rarer, I have serial numbers for only about 10 or so of them. Ironically, I had 3 of them here at one time a few years back. I have just one now. The two additional tubes are a phono scratch suppressor, otherwise it is the same as a 16. Another interesting fact: the remote control 16 sets only have 15 tubes. Two tubes are replaced by one dual function tube to make room for the remote control mechanism.
Ron C - would you please let us know the serial number of your set? I may be able to provide some idea of production date from it...
Hi guys! My attention has been directed elsewhere for the last few days and I just got back to this. First off, thanks to all of you for taking the time to provide background information and direction. As I was saying, I'm relatively familiar with tube audio from the late 50's and beyond but feel like a lost babe in the woods here. I do appreciate the help.
Kent, I just went to check and the serial # on the receiver is : DD 74 No serial # badge or markings of any kind on the power supply. It doesn't appear that there is anything missing from the PS chassis so I assume that the power supply was not badged.
Thanks, Ron
Kent, I just re-read your comments and must have glossed over this the first time through...
Remote control???
Ron, --- no tag on the amp, but there may be a number written in grease pencil inside ... a number that is same or near to the receiver chassis serial number.
Bruce, --- several late 1930's Scotts were available with a factory remote control upgrade: including the Sixteen/Eighteen and the Philharmonic. The remote was connected by Jones Plug and a long flat, multi-wire cable to a keypad. You could turn the radio on/off, change the volume and select from a number of station presets. Naturally, there were a number of internal changes, motors and relays to make it function. The remote mechanism and keypad looks the same as the post war 800-B remote set up.
-Dave Poland
Ron - Well, from the serial number, I can date it pretty closely. DD-90 was built on 10-Sep-1937. They were built chronologically in each prefix, so you set was built not too long before Sep 10. In fact, I have several dates in the DD prefix, based on the next date, I'd say you set was built right around Sep 1st...give or take no more than a week.
The remote control sets are scarce, I have a remote control 16 in the Acousticraft cabinet, and a Philharmonic in a Waverly Grande. I've never had a remote control Phantom, but they are out there too...
FWIW - My 16 is serial number CC-230. I suspect the letter codes were for different employees who did the assemblies.
Well, I have been in contact off and on with the individual I purchased my Model 16 from trying to secure the Scott/Magnavox field coil speaker for this set. Long story short is that it resides at his ex-wife's home and although he originally felt that it wasn't going to be a problem picking it up from her, I'm starting to wonder if that is going to happen.
Without it or making some alterations to the circuit, looks like I am dead in the water until I get it or find one. I'd like to stay the course but I've been trying to downsize my collection of pieces for restoration or components for speaker building and not sure if I need or want yet another.
If I decide to let it go, what would be the best venue to list this for sale if it comes to that? Being a audio guy, I know where to list things I'm not using anymore that will get to a particular audience but I have no idea where would be the best place to go with something like this.
Also, I was hoping that someone could provide some general value perspective for me or where to look for something that would. Many of the things I have let go of in the last year or so have involved a trade of some kind but I understand what the values are. I really don't know in this case.
Ron-I believe I may have the speaker you are seeking. Let me verify the codes vs the speaker that is in my 16. If you could, confirm me as a friend here and we can continue via PM's.
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