EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

As most of you know, I've been gathering and analyzing Scott serial numbers for over 20 years. I have a couple requests....first, if you haven't sent me your serial numbers, please do. Also...if any of you have a confirmed date for a set/serial number, please send me that. There is a warranty tag on ebay at the moment, these are great, since they have the date and serial number on them. A letter with a date is also good confirmation. I would greatly appreciate any info you fellows can provide. I'll post more about serial numbers here in the future.


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Kent i agree on the Phillys being 1938 .My Philly has 12/20/37 in pensil on the bottom of it and # BB226.Most phillys i have seen have double letters..Angelo 

I just found the original guarantee card for one of my earliest Scotts buried in one of my Scott folders. The serial number is U-114 and the card is dated Nov 16 1933.

Seems like a later date for such an early serial number.

The very unusual feature on this AW12 single dial is the large cans and the tube covers are not chrome plated but rather are the brushed aluminum finish. The chassis and amp boxes are chromed.

Hello Kent, Marty Oswalt here,  I have a Custom Built,  Number is E   104  ,.  More about my unit in my Profile. 

Scott I have a Allwave 15 that did not come with a cabinet or provenance, but the serial # is F-310

thanks, that's a new number....


AW-23,  7 knob, chassis' only - D 586

Phantom FM, Braemar - QQ 475

Philharmonic FM, Chippendale Grande - GG 428

Philharmonic FM, Gothic Grande - YY 384

Would love to know if you come up with any statistical conclusions or interesting facts from your work. Sorry, I have no dates for you.

regards, Bill


Philharmonic AM s/n BB - 207 Ravinia Grande added to the family. Receipt of order is dated Nov. 19 '37.

Thanks....very helpful...this is the first confirmed double prefix serial number before 1/1/38. It is also a new number, I've added it to my information.

Hi Kent,


My AW 12 S/N is S240


Does that tell you anything?



That's real close to my All Wave 12 DeLuxe (with AVC) if my memory serves me right, mine's 299.  Is that right, Kent?

Corby Dawson said:

Hi Kent,


My AW 12 S/N is S240


Does that tell you anything?



Corby -

That is a high serial number for that prefix....close to the start of the AW15 sets, so I would guess this is a fairly late AW12....probably early 1934 just before the AW15 came out.


Mal -

The numbers only apply within each prefix. Certainly the higher numbers mean a later set, but the numbers do not "line up" based on the prefix. We can only say something about a set within the letter prefix.


Mal Fuller said:

That's real close to my All Wave 12 DeLuxe (with AVC) if my memory serves me right, mine's 299.  Is that right, Kent?

Corby Dawson said:

Hi Kent,


My AW 12 S/N is S240


Does that tell you anything?



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