EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

1937 Scott Philharmonic Waverly Grand help wanted

The radio Gods have smiled on me and I have obtained a fairly complete 1937 30 tube Scott Philharmonic Waverly Grand.  The top lifts up and a Garrard changer has been swapped in supported on a piece of plywood.   I don't think the knobs are correct.  They look like bakelite Silvertone knobs to me.

I THINK the set originally had two tweeters but no longer there and round wood covers screwed to the cabinet where they would have gone?

Cabinet is pretty nice  (a BIG plus).  Chrome is decent and will polish decently, I hope.  Looks like most tubes have been replaced with metal tubes.  At least all but one of the tube shields are still there.

Chassis has been "worked on" underneath but have no idea what has been done or if done correctly at this point.  

I'm hoping power transformer, speaker field coil, chokes and transformers are OK but it will be a while befoe I can check things out.

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions about this set and an idea of the value.


Mark in the great radio wasteland of central AZ where the radio  Gods have smiled today.

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First use an artists brush (1 inch or so) and vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt and dust. I don't like to touch a decent Scott chassis with anything using water. I like Turtle brand chrome polish. Turtle's product is designed for automobile chrome and leaves a protective residual. I have used it on over a dozen Scott radios with great results, even dealing with moderate rust. But be careful around flaking chrome to avoid ripping it off.

Use with a fairly gentle touch until you get the feel of it. I like old bath or hand towels as an applicator - cut into pieces maybe 6 inches square. To work on the sides of the round coil cans and tube shields bases on the chassis, cut the towel into a 2 inch strip about 12 - 15 inches long or longer - apply some Turtle polish to the cloth and loop around the item and work it like back and forth. Change cloth frequently to avoid any accumulating grit scratching the chrome. This product removes surface surface haze and will remove rust with some patience. Let the polish dry to a haze and then use fresh cloth to remove the the haze, polishing the item. There is nothing in this product that will scratch the chrome. Your chrome looks like it will clean up well.

As I remove any coil covers to replace the wax/foil caps inside some of them, I polish them again more carefully. For the areas of the chassis top between the tubes and coil can, I use a bamboo chop stick to push the polishing cloths around in tight places.

Thanks for the advice.  It will all be a great help to me.

Mark...all the info and advice so far is great. Could you post the serial number of this set?

I will get the serial number tomorrow and post it here.


The plate on the back of chassis shows serial number XX-106.

Does that tell you anything about the set?

I've attached a photo of plate.



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