EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

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Scott Serial Number vs. Model Number Cross Reference

Does such a list exist?  I am trying to verify what my SN WW-83 is.  I think it may be an improved Super XII.

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Thanks again Dave for all your help.  A couple more questions:

1. Where can I buy the new Scott Book? This may come in handy because I have managed to collect many different Scott models (AC10, AW12 two dial, AW12 Deluxe (AVC), Sixteen, AW23, Phantom, Phantom Deluxe, Phantom Deluxe AM/FM, Philly, Laureatte.  It is getting hard to keep them straight.)

2.  I found this mod in a Phantom Deluxe with the logging scale.  It uses a 6C4 tube.  Has a pot and switch mounted on the front of the chassis.  I haven't taken time to trace it out.  Have you seen this mod before? I am guessing that it is a phono preamp.




On the the home page of this Scott website - upper right corner where it says EVENTS.

Scott Collectors Guide 2nd edition.

Thanks I will be ordering one.

Any idea on what the above mod is for. Factory or add on?

Joe -

I already had that serial number, and as Dave said, it is a late Super XII. Scott stopped production of the Super XII in July 1939, so your set won't be too much before that date. to both you and Dave: I located a "late" Super XII schematic in my files recently. I need to get it scanned and online. I have both early and late diagrams. As Dave said though, your mileage may vary. Finding the small 1-tube P/S is going to be tough. The speaker isn't quite as big a problem. 


Re: Mod....definitely NOT factory. Without sketching a diagram, it is hard to say...

Great news on the schematic.
I am going to research what it would take to use my 3 tube power supply and modify the Super XII to look like a Masterpiece, using a configuration similar to the Phantom on the output stages.
What do you thjnk?

Probably can do. Your receiver will look like a Masterpiece with the 6V6's remover if you add 6J5's and tube shields to match the rest. (At one point I wondered if I would have to do the same thing for mine using a model 16 Amp.)

Repurpose the Super Twelve 6V6 sockets for 6J5's as a push -pull 2nd audio stage drivers and adjust the circuity for the 6J5's I would think. And repurpose the existing set cable for the Masterpiece amp.  No modification to that amp, I think.  Good luck with the bass control adaptation.    


There are differences in purpose and locations of 3 of the 6 controls. 


Will confuse who ever gets it after you. So put a hang tag on the receiver or write a note with Sharpie inside explaining there is a modification - or both. And remove the 5 pin speaker socket on the back.

* Kent - looking forward to the late Super 12 diagram - for mine

What speaker do you have for it?

The correct Masterpiece speaker is 12 inch Magnavox with Scott tag and octal socket on the speaker cable.

the Scott tag says model 302  and Part number G45    171   

(the same speaker is used for the Scott Sixteen (and Eighteen)  and the earlier Phantoms using 6V6 outputs.)

Now I am looking for the one tube amp chassis to match up with my Super XII. Anyone know where I might find one?

This attached photo is of my late Super XII with additional two controls. I made the wood radio panel.

The one tube power supply is in the foreground. Note the a/c power cord goes to the power supply chassis. The first version one tube power supply used a 5V4. Later version in photo uses a 5U4. My tube socket does not have the tube number embossed but I have the 1 page insert for the owner manual explaining the revised controls and stating the rectifier is upgraded to use a 5U4 rectifier.  if you find one, don't obsess which version it might be, just get it.

It took a couple years and this power supply showed up on eBay. Has no Scott tag or decal for identification.  Good luck.


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