EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

This AC-10 with an unusual cabinet was recently sold on line:

This cabinet does not appear in the Scott catalog.  The pictures do not suggest an appropriation of a cabinet from another radio since there are no signs of plugged holes from another chassis controls.  Also, the bottom shelf for the power supply seems to be an add-on using scrap wood, and the speaker mount is atypical as well. 

I cannot find a matching picture in the Stein's "Pre-War Consoles" book.  I wonder what is the origin of this cabinet.


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We have no documentation in support of a 6 legged Scott lowboy radio cabinet. Nor does your cabinet match any documented Scott cabinet. But there were generic cabinets available in the late 20's to early 1930's by a number of cabinet companies, and I am very sure yours is one.

Otherwise, you appear to have a correct and complete Scott AC-10 circa 1930, with the 2nd version (3 tube) amp.

The receiver was originally floated on a foam pad to isolate it from cabinet speaker vibrations.

You will find AC-10 information in this site Info Archive, Set Folders,  AC-10.

It is a very sensitive AM receiver. There was an outboard  SW converter in a copper box available for it (rare).

McMurdo Silver sold a "Mayfair" cabinet in 1933 that used a similar grille design. I have one of them.

I believe Scott and McMurdo Silver sourced their cabinets from the same cabinet maker. It seems conceivable to me the cabinet was purchased originally through Scott or a dealer.

Many thanks for the responses.  Does it suggest the cabinet was made by Peerless in Rockford, Illinois?

There are several indications that this cabinet was not intended to house the Scott AC-10 including the fact that the power amplifier and speaker do not fit properly and that the cabinet style is about three years newer than the chassis set.


That set passed through Estes auction before landing on ebay, and I examined it at their auction. It is not original to the set, the mods to make it fit are clearly not to Scott standards. Also, as Norman noted, the AC10 is a 1929/30 set, and 6-leg cabinets did not really appear in catalogs and sales brochures until 1933/34. I suspect (this happened more often than folks think) - the set might have been in an older style cabinet, or not in one at all. The owner liked the 6-leg style and purchased a "blank" cabinet from one of the Chicago wholesale houses (I have catalogs showing these cabinets, etc.). You drilled it and fitted your set into it. I'm about 99% certain that is the case for this set, but it still looks very nice and it's an unusual and desirable early Scott set.


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