The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
Was thinking you may not have these instructions? Need to add one more page, but will not let me? Not sure the first three will come through even though they show they are attached, in jpg, will that work?
Todd - have moved into the myriad versions of price lists! These things drive me nuts: different colors, different prices, some have codes on them that appear to be regions of the US, and the splash date on the front varies or is not there at all....I have dozens and I try to compare each one for differences. I'll take these images to see if it matches one I have or it is "new". I have not figured out how to catalog all the various price lists. Even getting them to the correct year can be tricky.
Thoughts anyone or everyone?
The letter appears to be one of Scott's typical "push to buy now" letters, very nice. I love the content on the back - clearly notes about receptions he experienced. I'm going to try to enlarge and write down what is there, to see what tidbits we can find. a VERY nice letter and notes. Do you have more items?
Cannot remember but I think this is the last item? If you can enlarge note the very nice picture of the lady playing the organ in the upper left side.
Kent King said:
The letter appears to be one of Scott's typical "push to buy now" letters, very nice. I love the content on the back - clearly notes about receptions he experienced. I'm going to try to enlarge and write down what is there, to see what tidbits we can find. a VERY nice letter and notes. Do you have more items?
Yes, Scott used a variety of letterhead content over the years. The organ player blue letterhead first appears in Dec 1933 and runs into early 1940. There is an early version with a different type font in orange used in 1932-33. The detail and deco look at outstanding. Thanks for all the scans - all great items! I still haven't dug out the price lists I have to compare to yours - will let you know!
I have this hanging above my Allwave 23. Photo and article about Irma Glen and her radio show combined from Scott News.
Todd - What does the cover of your sales brochure look like? Can you scan it? I can date it to about June/Summer of 1940. There are variations of it, I'm curious what is on your cover page. Thanks! Kent
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