EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

I see that many of you have jumped in and uploaded pictures...Thanks!! I think we are off to a good start with this site. What other things could we do here that would be helpful? Maybe a folder for manuals? A list of resources (such as Alan's repro knobs)?

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How about one folder for owners manuals and another folder for service manuals and chassis restoration advise. Or maybe one folder per model including owners manual, service manual, and chassis restoration advise. Also, maybe a separate folder for all of the brochures and price lists because the later brochures and price lists included multiple models. And, a folder for published articles and a folder for published advertisements. Thoughts?
Some method to group by category seems necessary if is to be a useful. But does ning have a feature to have folders by topic ?
As a possible model for Scott data and photos on line, take a look at the organization and drill down features of the website of the Early Television Museum (Hilliard, Ohio) at

Norman S Braithwaite said:
How about one folder for owners manuals and another folder for service manuals and chassis restoration advise. Or maybe one folder per model including owners manual, service manual, and chassis restoration advise. Also, maybe a separate folder for all of the brochures and price lists because the later brochures and price lists included multiple models. And, a folder for published articles and a folder for published advertisements. Thoughts?
You can have a place to post Scott sightings, say at an antique shop, yard sale, Craigslist or in some article in a newspaper, magazine or on the net itself. Sort of a heads up on items that might interist other members. Ebay may or may not be covered because I would think evrtybody has access to that already. With this type of posting, if one member comes across a Scott in say Craigslist and it's one that the poster doesn't want to pursue, for what ever reason, be it price, distance or just lack of interest, he can bring it to the attention of the other members.

You could make a folder of extra parts, components and literature that members may have but aren't using or may never use. This may be useful if a member is restoring a certain Scott. I know I have a box full of extra knobs, escutcheons, panels, tube shields, literature, etc that I could either sell or trade. I'm in no rush in letting any of it go at the moment but at least it will be known that I have these parts and if a member really wants a part from me, then we might work out some sort of a deal. Better then nothing.

These are just two ideas off the top of my head.

On a side note, this is my first posting. This website looks real promising and interesting.
Hello all-Mr Newbie here.

I am using a fellow to make new Scott cabinets to complete some chassis I have had laying around.

He is currently making an Imperial Grande for me, a Laureate Grande for another fellow and is starting on a Napier this week also to combine with an AW15 of mine and he has just completed my customized McMurdo Clifton. I enjoy seeing the photos of all the cabinets offered and will start adding photos of all mine.

Are photos of McMurdo's allowed here also or just Scotts ? I am almost sure the same furniture company (Peerless) made most of the cabinets for both companies.

Glad to see you Bruce!

Primarily, we are keeping this to Scott sets, but a few photos of M-S sets is fine (I think there are some in the folders already). And of course, discussions about the relative comparisons between Scott, M-S, Lincoln and others is always a welcome part of this forum.


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