EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

Happy Holidays everyone!

I am happy to announce that quite a few new scans of old Scott News issues are now available in the Scott Info Archive. Click the link above and enter the Scott News folder...there are now over 80 scanned issues. Enjoy!


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Thanks Kent.  I do appreciate that. 

Curious, how many more are left to be scanned?  My particular interest is 1937 and later. 

Scott -

If you look at the index file, you'll see the entire known list of SN issues. The ones with a "+" after the name are ones that I only have a photocopy of...and they are not worth my time to scan (each issue takes anywhere from 10-15 minutes to scan without damaging them). All the issues I have in originals are now scanned. Everything that is known from mid-1934 to the war (1942) is in the archive. Anything found that is not there would be a new, previously unknown issue.

Thanks Kent! These are a nice reference to have.

The reproduction volume that I got from you a while back is really well done.

I am unable to access Scott Info Archive. When I click on it, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Ted - I just tested it and it worked fine for me. If you can, try a different browser. I usually use Chrome, I haven't tested it with every browser out there, so there might be a compatibility issue I'm not aware of.


Ted Coombes said:

I am unable to access Scott Info Archive. When I click on it, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Google is having intermittent problems with their server.  I use Firefox and have had no problems until trying to access the stash for the second time this morning (worked the first time).


Thanks Kent & Norm. It works fine with Chrome. Lots of useful stuff in Archive!

Kent King said:

Ted - I just tested it and it worked fine for me. If you can, try a different browser. I usually use Chrome, I haven't tested it with every browser out there, so there might be a compatibility issue I'm not aware of.


Ted Coombes said:

I am unable to access Scott Info Archive. When I click on it, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Having trouble printing copies of Scott News. I'm using Chrome, and can read all files just fine. But when I go to print, the individual pages do not register correctly. Any suggestions, or are we prevented from printing for copyright reasons? BTW, trouble persists with folders for individual models.

Ted Coombes said:

Thanks Kent & Norm. It works fine with Chrome. Lots of useful stuff in Archive!

Kent King said:

Ted - I just tested it and it worked fine for me. If you can, try a different browser. I usually use Chrome, I haven't tested it with every browser out there, so there might be a compatibility issue I'm not aware of.


Ted Coombes said:

I am unable to access Scott Info Archive. When I click on it, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong?

Ted -

No limitations that I know of. Try downloading the PDF file to your computer, then open it directly in Adobe. Cumbersome, but that should work. I use Chrome all the time, but I've never tried to print a PDF via Chrome from a web site...I will give it a try.


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