The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
Scott evidently supplied Sylvania tubes starting about 1934 or so to 1941. I believe Sylvania tube boxes of the era were green and black.
From 1932 to 1934, Scott evidently supplied Arcturus tubes - the tube boxes would be the astronomy theme dark blue boxes featuring the star lite night sky.
I did a web search for Sylvania tube boxes. There are pix of the green and black and also a red and white one and the newer yellow and black boxes.
Mike - I just put a photo of the Wunderlick tube box in the photo section. It is a bit different.
All 4 side have identical graphics. Orange and dark blue colors.
If you need a photo to the normal night sky graphic of the early Arcturus tube box, I have a late 1920 's 127 box photo.
Thanks David, any information would be nice, I have made a couple of boxes and I will post later
David C. Poland said:
Mike - I just put a photo of the Wunderlick tube box in the photo section. It is a bit different.
All 4 side have identical graphics. Orange and dark blue colors.
If you need a photo to the normal night sky graphic of the early Arcturus tube box, I have a late 1920 's 127 box photo.
I've got some nice Wunderlich boxes, I'll try to get some good images this weekend.
I have uploaded to the photo section a couple of boxes, yes it is easier and cheaper to buy new boxes, but these are much more fun,
More images please
Mike - The Sylvania box forest graphics you selected may be too early, dating to the late 1920's globe tube era when Sylvania was applying a leaf decal (green and yellow - like on the tube box art) on the tube top or to near the top to avoid a grid cap like a 24 has.
I'll take a photo of the the earliest green and black version Sylvania I have - earliest because there is a cardboard liner around the tube and simple flap ends. Where as later style green and black designs either 1) had an unsecured inner open sided box that slides out with the tube or 2) were the secured boxes that allowed testing without breaking the staple seal. My early box contained a NIB tube with green paint logo. I have some earlier used hot branded Sylvania tubes but don't know what box art these would have had, but suspect they predate when Scott changed from Arcturus tubes to Sylvania after Scott abandoned the Wunderlick 2nd detector for the 55 tube mid way through the AW-15 production.
Also I will also up load a later Arcturus design but it is the later secured box construction that can be tested without breaking the stapled flap seal.
The images were found on the net, the whole thing is really easily manipulated in photoshop, only thing is the image has to be reasonably good otherwise I will have to redraw, thanks for the info in this as us tube boxes are different to the ones over here in the uk.
as you can imagine these were usually thrown away,
I did think about the open ended type of box, they used to sell light bulbs in them, the closed end types are much stronger.
Thanks for your help, I'm sure that I will get there in the end.
mike hadley said:
The posted images are the correct size if printed at 25%,
Images are 300dpi native to ensure a good print,
the paper I used is 300gsm European I think that this is about 200lb us,
I used 100% recycled, not to save the planet, because this is the nearest I could find to old tube boxes,
Yes the card is off white, maybe a trip through the oven would cure this, making it slightly brown.
The square tube support is optional but it does stiffen up the carton quite a lot,
the flap to hold the tube in the box is separate this allows the image to fit on a4
Pva or White elmers glue is plenty strong enough,
Score the back of the box with an old non working ball pen, this makes folding easySome of these old tube boxes have a flap that holds the tube in so securely that anyattempt to remove the tube results in tearing the box such that re-inserting the tubebecomes problematic. I have a few old tubes, so I will look through them to see if anyI have might be helpful.Joe
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