The Fine Things are Always Hand Made
Post photos.
Here is what I have so far.
5 speakers
7 power supplies
6 chassis
2 sets of tweeters
I recognize the Philharmonic and the Scott 16 but not sure which speaker or power supply goes with anything.
Will need to post the pix in multiple replies
Art...the pics above are (from top to bottom):
1. Phill/Phantom crossover; Laureate crossover; Phantom PS
2. Sixteen
3. AW 2-dial (1931)
4. AW 15
5. Philly
6. Phantom PS
7. Laureate
8 FM Phantom
9-12: Tweeters, as discussed previously.
The attached pics:
483: (5 speakers L to R): 15in Philly pedestal, 2 12in mounted, probably Phantom or Sixteen; 15 in mounted, probably for the FM Phantom, 12 in cast speaker goes with the AW15.
484: Top to bottom: Laureate PS, AW15 PS, AW12 23-dial PS
485 Phantom FM PS, Philly PS (probably for an FM Philly), Philly PS.
One complete set that you have goes as follows: FM Phantom tuner, Phantom PS with black transformer, one of the 12 in mounted speakers, two of the bullet tweeters and the crossover.
Would you please send me the serial numbers off all of these chassis?? Thanks!
Thank you
Will try assembling into correct sets
As I do that will pull serial numbers
May be a few days
Kent King said:
Art...the pics above are (from top to bottom):
1. Phill/Phantom crossover; Laureate crossover; Phantom PS
2. Sixteen
3. AW 2-dial (1931)
4. AW 15
5. Philly
6. Phantom PS
7. Laureate
8 FM Phantom
9-12: Tweeters, as discussed previously.
The attached pics:
483: (5 speakers L to R): 15in Philly pedestal, 2 12in mounted, probably Phantom or Sixteen; 15 in mounted, probably for the FM Phantom, 12 in cast speaker goes with the AW15.
484: Top to bottom: Laureate PS, AW15 PS, AW12 23-dial PS
485 Phantom FM PS, Philly PS (probably for an FM Philly), Philly PS.
One complete set that you have goes as follows: FM Phantom tuner, Phantom PS with black transformer, one of the 12 in mounted speakers, two of the bullet tweeters and the crossover.
Would you please send me the serial numbers off all of these chassis?? Thanks!
My observation of the speakers:
Starting 1940, crossovers are part of an extra cost optional high-fidelity speaker set, in lieu of the standard single 38 ohm speaker for the Philharmonic or Phantom models - be they FM models or the standard models.
The two crossovers you have are electrically the same. The larger crossover with the two larger round top coils (inductors) is the early version. All speakers used with the outboard crossover are 8 ohm. Crossover information is in Riders vol 14 (and 15). The outboard crossover includes the output transformer for all the speakers in the set, so, the main speaker will lack its own output transformer.
As Kent said, the 15 inch pedestal speaker is for the Philharmonic. It should have a 2 pin socket for optional tweeter pair. Any tweeters with permanent magnet (no field coil) AND higher ohm voice coils of the order of 16 ohms each are run in series with a 2 MFD cap as a crossover and connect with a "Y" cable directly to a Philharmonic pedestal speaker socket. Don't see you have these tweeters, however.
That large 15 inch flange mount speaker may be part of the optional hi-fi speaker set for the Laureate - if it is coaxial style with a single center mount tweeter. I note it appears to lack its own output transformer and has the kind of 5 pin plug to fit one of those crossovers. Would use the same outboard crossover you picture. In contrast, the standard single Laureate speaker may be 12 inch or 15 inch with an output transformer and 38 ohm voice coil
Tweeter pairs that go with the outboard crossovers will have small 2 pin plugs and 8 ohm voice coils (measure about 6 ohms resistance).
The two 12 inch speakers each with "high fidelity" tags and small 5 pin plugs would go with a crossovers and should have 8 ohm voice coils and field coil. And they lack their own output transformer.
The 12 inch pedestal speaker, as Kent said, is for the AW-15 (1934-35) and has the output transformer inside the pedestal. No tweeters for this speaker. That speaker has 2 field coils - for B+ and another for bias of the 2A3 output tubes. It is special Jensen with Scott decal.
Your Philharmonic is the FM version of 1940-41 and total of 33 tubes, including the 6 tube Power supply. The standard Philharmonic (BC and SW, but no FM) has a total of 30 tubes including the same 6 tube power supply. The FM version deleted the volume expander feature the AM model has.
I believe Radio Daze has the repo FM Philharmonic dial you need.
All Philharmonic power supplies use FOUR 6L6's and a pair of rectifiers (5Z3's until mid 1940, then 5U4's).
Phantom power supplies use a pair of 6J5 drivers, TWO output tubes (earlier 6V6's and later 6L6's) and two rectifiers (earlier 5V4's and later 5U4's). FM Phantoms (2 magic eyes) use the power supply with a TWO 6L6's.
Over all - it appears with all those tweeters, you are short a crossover. (which I may be able to supply).
Each crossover should have an extra plug with no cable (wired as a jumper) intended for use if an auxiliary/remote speaker is desired.
Good luck.
After you have some receivers paired with amp and speaker(s), start a new thread with photos for feedback.
What a challenge. What we may have thought goes together didn't because of different plugs. I think I have it finally sorted out.
Kent - with each set of pictures is a picture of the serial number plate. The AW12 dual dial did not have a serial number plate.
I have decided at this time to deal with the tweeters separately as I do need to find a way to make my money. :)
So how did I do on the mix and match? If something doesn't look right, just let me know.
Allwave 15
Allwave 12 Dual Dial (no speaker and not sure what extra tuner is on the top)
Scott 18 (originally we thought it was a 16). No speaker
Scott Laureate (missing shields)
Scott Philharmonic
Now these all seem to be extra parts
Power Supply
Speaker - Just like the one for the Laurate
Art -
First, thanks for the serial numbers. Some I had, some were new.
Here are the problems:
The Sixteen (and it is a Sixteen), you have a Philharmonic amp with it. You don't have a Sixteen amp in the stuff you have. I know it is a Sixteen because an Eighteen has two push-pull switches , not the single one on your chassis.
The speaker you have with the Laureate is not right. The speaker with the tweeter mounted in the center is almost certainly the Laureate speaker.
The Philly with the 15 in pedestal is fine, but then you do not need the crossover. The crossover should go with the FM Phantom in that case, along with the bullet tweeters.
Otherwise all good pairings. That extra power supply is for a Phantom, so is the speaker. There might have been a standard Phantom tuner at one point....
OK - back to regrouping.
So much of this stuff looks alike.
I am sooooo confused - LOL
OK - here are some corrected groupings based on Kent's feedback. Hope I got them right this time.
Philly without crossover
Scott Laureate with correct speaker and crossover
Scott Phantom with crossover
Scott 16 with no power supply
Two extra Phantom power supplies
Two extra 12" speakers (possibly Phantom)
Everything else stayed the same
Did I finally get it right? :)
Thanks Kent for all your help.
Yes, all looks good!!
The amp with the 4 6L6 tubes is an extra Philly amp. The other amp (with 2 6J5 tubes and 2 6L6 tubes) is a Phantom amp.
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