EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

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I'm looking for the Warrington cabinet for Phantom de Lux FM and the exact drawings for self-production.

Hello . I am a new member on this forum. Very grateful to the admin for giving me the opportunity to become a member of your community of connoisseurs of radio Scott.  I'm from Ukraine and I do not understand English well, but with the help of Google Translator, I hope to be useful to your community. I have Chassis Scott Phantom de Luxe on SS-372 .... I bought it on American eBey in the spring of 2013. Now I intend to buy a Warrington production cabinet for this chassis or find exact drawings for self-production. Can anyone help me solve this problem?

 Best regards Peter

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Peter - It may be easier to find a Warrington cabinet than to make one. There are many rounded surfaces on the Warrington, which might make it harder to copy than a cabinet with more right angles. I do not have a Warrington in my collection, but they do turn up, Scott frequently offered it as a "free" cabinet during sales promotions. You can buy any Warrington, even if it is not drilled for the Phantom, it is not hard to make a new face for the cabinet. 

Is your Phantom complete (tuner, amp, speaker)? I am also curious, assuming this was a US built set, how are you running it with the power differences there in Ukraine? (I assume Ukraine is EU standard power, 220v 50c)?


Thank you Kent. I would gladly agree to the study of my cabinet , if I could find it not very expensive. There is a problem here that delivery to Ukraine can cost too much. The only firm that does it is inexpensive is New Jersey (Meest Express). Unfortunately for these four years, I had little time to do my hobby and therefore I have not yet restored Phantom, but I plan to do this this winter. I will also need original speakers. I have no problems with the power supply of American devices from our 220 volt network because I already have 7 American radio and therefore I bought two powerful 220 volt / 110 volt power adapters for their maintenance. I had to do it because I have powerful radio console In my collection there are such wonderful devices as Philco 16b Cathedral, Philco 37-640, Philco 37-116, RCA 811K, Zenith 12H-092, Viking and about 150 radio from Europe and the USSR.

My collection includes more than 200 devices from all over the network, Europe and the USSR. and I am very proud of it.

Hi to all . Still looking for a Warrington case for my  radio console E.H. Scott Phantom de Luxe ... Does anyone know where to buy it?

Watch Ebay  and other sites like it.Ask around at some of the radio clubs there in Europe for a cabinet.Phantom works very well once restored properly,i have one.Had it on last night i heard Radio Romania here in Tennessee with a 40 foot antenna.Radio has a very nice sound to it..Well worth restoring..Angelo

Thank you Angelo. Can you tell me which radio fan club in Europe should I contact? Because it seems to me that all European fans of American radio live only in Ukraine. )) 

Sincerely, Peter

I would google radio clubs there in europe and the UK may find a cabinet that way.Scotts did not allways come with cabinets but if you look you may find one.May take some time tho.I dont know any of the names of clubs there in europe but im sure google will tell you.Good luck.Angelo

I notice you express interest only in the WARRINGTON cabinet. There are a number of other Scott cabinets suitable for the Phantom model. Scott cabinets were priced separately, at various prices and all were furniture quality.

for cabinet photos, select SCOTT INFO ARCHIVE at the top of any page, and next select the CABINET folder to see photos of most of them to help you identify any you encounter. 

To narrow down potential cabinets, open Set Folders (also in the above archive) and select PHANTOM and look for a price list, which lists suitable cabinets.

Thank you Angelo, thank you David. You have given me valuable advice and restored my hope for a successful Phantom cabinet search. 

Derbal  -  Correction, Kent recently set up a separate folder for price lists in the Info Archive. It holds a sampling of price lists over the years, currently ending 1938. There were price lists up to 1941 not shown, at least not yet.  You will find a  list available cabinets in each price list which you can find in the Cabinet folder photos. Scott did reuse some cabinet names so limit yourself to floor models and feel free to use this Scott Site with any cabinet question.

Any of the Philharmonic cabinets are suitable for a Phantom with room to spare. Some customers ordered the Philharmonic size cabinet for the Phantom, Super 12,  Sixteen or  14 tube Masterpiece. There were a number of other cabinets designed for the more modest, smaller Scott models that are not large enough to accommodate the large Philharmonic. 

Among the more common "smaller" console cabinets designed for a model the size of a Phantom are the Beverly, Braemer and Accousticraft, and Oxford, There were also Radio/Phonograph credenza cabinets offered from 1939-1941. You may be faced with making a new wood panel cut for your PHANTOM  to replace the wood control panel in a cabinet you find. The wood control panels were 3/8 inch thick, to allow for the control shafts to protrude enough to attach knobs. 

Thank you David. Yes, if I can't buy a case for Phantom, then I will do it myself because I make pop acoustics and acoustics for High End tube equipment. But for this I need drawings of these cases and their sizes. I hope to find them. Thanks again, David.

Some of the price lists do show the exterior dimensions for each cabinet offered.

Select 1938 and scroll down to see several price lists.

For example, the Braemer is 34 1/2 x 26 x 14 1/2  (inches)

The Accousticraft                 40  x 24 1/2 x 18

Hi to all . Please tell me, can anyone sell me an escutcheon E.H. Scott Phantom and a scale with the escutcheon RCA811k? As well as sets of buttons and knobs for these radio consoles. Thank you Peter

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