EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made

As most of you know, I've been gathering and analyzing Scott serial numbers for over 20 years. I have a couple requests....first, if you haven't sent me your serial numbers, please do. Also...if any of you have a confirmed date for a set/serial number, please send me that. There is a warranty tag on ebay at the moment, these are great, since they have the date and serial number on them. A letter with a date is also good confirmation. I would greatly appreciate any info you fellows can provide. I'll post more about serial numbers here in the future.


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I made a separate discussion on this, but guessed later I should have been posting here.
So here is S/N of my Phantom Delux FM: SS-267

Scott Seickel said:

Curtis Schweitzer said:
The high frequency speakers were missing. As we were cleaning it up we found a letter tucked under the receiver chassis; the letter was from Scott apologizing for the damage to the speakers and said replacements would be shipped ASAP. The date on the letter was 6 December 1941

Wow. Great story.
I'll bet that radio is the only one that is worth more with the speakers missing.
What a great piece of history.
I've often wondered what happened to that radio. The last I saw of it the letter had been framed and was hanging on the wall above the radio. My friend was not married so I am assuming it was probably sold and may still be in the Minneapolis area.
Scott Sixteen serial HH=83; assembled Jan 1938 (component dates + one month).

Pete Olin
Pete - Thanks....I had this number in my list. It might have been reported by a previous owner at some point, or been on the original JWF Puett lists. Thanks for sending it in, I am glad to be sure. Kent

Pete Olin said:
Scott Sixteen serial HH=83; assembled Jan 1938 (component dates + one month).

Pete Olin
This Sixteen had been reported as being seen on Ebay; I was the winner and am just beginning my venture into Scotts.


Kent King said:
Pete - Thanks....I had this number in my list. It might have been reported by a previous owner at some point, or been on the original JWF Puett lists. Thanks for sending it in, I am glad to be sure. Kent

Pete Olin said:
Scott Sixteen serial HH=83; assembled Jan 1938 (component dates + one month).

Pete Olin
Ah, yes, I probably got it off ebay then....

Pete Olin said:
This Sixteen had been reported as being seen on Ebay; I was the winner and am just beginning my venture into Scotts.


Kent King said:
Pete - Thanks....I had this number in my list. It might have been reported by a previous owner at some point, or been on the original JWF Puett lists. Thanks for sending it in, I am glad to be sure. Kent

Pete Olin said:
Scott Sixteen serial HH=83; assembled Jan 1938 (component dates + one month).

Pete Olin
My recent (Sept 2010) addition has been posted with photos today-It's an early single dial AW-12 serial number F-99 and has dual speakers and the Blue Wunderlich tube.

Bruce Sorensen said:
My recent (Sept 2010) addition has been posted with photos today-It's an early single dial AW-12 serial number F-99 and has dual speakers and the Blue Wunderlich tube.
Wonderful set Bruce, but since I own one I am prejudiced. I do believe that the inclusion of the Wunderlich indicates it is an AllWave 12 DeLuxe with AVC - a later version of the AllWave 12. Mine has a single electro-dynamic speaker, Scott branded but Jensen manufactured 12" auditorium model with a cable and switch/terminal attached for extra speakers. It was originally built into a home in Glenview, Illinois. I bought my Scott for $30 from the home's owner back in 1960.

I just bought a Phantom Deluxe  in a Warrington cabinet    QQ486.

Mr. King:

New owner and very recent member of this list. I just bought an Allwave 23 in the Waverly cabinet. The serial # is K486.

Good news is the cabinet and main chassis are in very good condition. Bad news is the power transformer seems to be bad. A request for help was my first post to the list. 

This is my first Scott radio.



Heyboer Transformer, Inc.

17382 Hayes St.

Grand Haven, MIchigan 49417


These people can rewind your power transformer using the original chrome covers.  The more electrical specification you can supply them, the less you will spend.  The contact person at Heybour is:  Philip Dannenberg VP.

He will assist you in any way he can based on my experience.

Phone is:


Good luck with your Scott.





Thomas Day said:

Mr. King:

New owner and very recent member of this list. I just bought an Allwave 23 in the Waverly cabinet. The serial # is K486.

Good news is the cabinet and main chassis are in very good condition. Bad news is the power transformer seems to be bad. A request for help was my first post to the list. 

This is my first Scott radio.



Hi Mal:

Thanks!!! I am somewhat familiar with Grand Haven. I worked for Heathkit in the late 60's til '72. A lot of the transformers we used came from a company in Grand Haven. We drive past there at least twice a year on our way to and back from Muskegon. 

I will check into this on Monday. I do have most of the specifications for the transformer from the schematics published in Marvin Hobbs book and also have the operation and service manuals on the way.

Again, thanks for the info


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