EH Scott Radio Enthusiasts

The Fine Things are Always Hand Made


Seeking advice from the experts here. Just purchased a Phantom remote control unit and the power supply that came with it contained a octal socket for the speaker connection. I suspect that the speaker socket should be something other than an octal socket.

Any advice and a recommendation for the correct socket, would be most welcome.



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I am not an expert on the Phantom, but I did have to make a speaker plug and socket for a Philharmonic recently.  That is a 7 pin plug with pins #1 and #4 being the larger diameter ones.  Ordinary tube sockets and bases have pins #1 and #7 as the large diameter.

For the plug, I used 3/32" thick garolite material from McMaster Carr, and drilled the holes per the drawing I made (attached here) from reverse-engineering the measurements on an original plug.  I made a scribe for the 1-1/2 OD using the center hole as a pivot, and a used Victrola needle for the scribe.  This allowed me to scribe the circle shape, bandsaw close -but outside- the line, and then chuck them into the lathe to turn down to nominal size.

I salvaged pins from a tube base that had an open filament and reused them in my socket.

Making the socket was much easier.  I bought a phenolic chassis-mount 7-pin socket like was used for 6A7 tubes, removed the rivets, enlarged hole #4, moved the larger pin contact-forming from pin #7 to pin #4, and then re-riveted it together again with brass eyelets.

That socket and plug combination is now in service and working great.  The socket will have an extra large hole at #7, but that isn't noticeable and, so long as you don't go trying to stick 7 pin tubes into your speaker socket, nobody will be the wiser.


Edmonds, WA


John - Actually, the later Phantom sets (and the Super 12 and Masterpiece) all used an octal connector for the speakers. These are nice because they are relatively easy to come by. The diagrams in the Info Archive will show these connectors.


The Super 12 has a 5 pin speaker socket, not octal. Kent meant 14 tube Scott Masterpiece (a souped up Super 12 introduced June 1939, replacing the 12 tube Super 12).

Do not confuse the Phantom and Phantom Deluxe. They use different amps and speakers.

The Phantom of Sept 1938 to July 1939 is a 19 tube radio (13 + 6) using 6V6 output tubes and octal speaker socket. This 12 inch speaker has 2 field coils (and is also used by the models Sixteen and 14 tube Masterpiece).

The 20 tube Phantom Deluxe adds a VR-150 voltage regulator (14+6) to the receiver AND an extensively revised power supply using a pair 6L6's output tubes and 7 pin speaker socket. 

The 28 tube FM Phantom Deluxe adds an 8 tube FM circuit with 2nd magic eye, but the same amp as the 20 tube AM Phantom Deluxe and same speaker (or the optional four unit high fidelity speaker system).

Thanks for the great suggestions and information. The set is an FM Deluxe which will require me to update as suggested by Troy. 

Hi John,

I did this for my Philharmonic,


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